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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. If your going to the 12 apostles be sure to read fly friendly procedures in ERSA before departure. (Specifically heights to be flown going East or West, dedicated CTAF etc). There can be up to eight Choppers in the air at any time and can be busy during holiday season. If you need a break on the way to or from the coast Cobden airfield is pretty much on route and about 20 nm. from the 12 Apostles. The Cobden Aero club clubhouse is always accessible, WC, tea/coffee and accommodation if you want to rough it. (All free to aviators). Fuel is available if required. (phone No in ERSA) Enjoy!!.
  2. Turbs - I didn't for 1 minute suggest that the problems are all over - I feel for everyone else who is waiting patiently for notification they are back in the air. I have to say that I was seriously pissed (off) when I was told I was caught up in this and wanted heads to roll. My comment was meant to reflect that there appears to be movement in the right direction and the congratulations were meant as encouragement to get on with getting the membership back in the air.. Getting the backlog of registrations completed is only going to get RAA back to where we were before this crisis began to show symptoms. It ain't over by a long way !!.
  3. Turbs, I don't know of any other rego's to go through other than 68volksy's post above. It would appear though that RAA is now making a serious attempt at making inroads into the backlog. This whole thing smells to high heaven, why did it get out of hand so quickly ? and why did CASA get out the big stick ?. All they've done collectively is hurt the membership. For mine there is a lot of unanswered questions !!.
  4. I too received my reregistration label and receipt today, - hopefully everyone else who's been caught up in CASA/RAA's little game will also be back on the register in the not too distant future. I have to say that I thought this backlog of registrations was going to take forever to clear after I spoke with them last week. Congratulations RAA for at last making rego's a priority so that we can enjoy the privileges of membership.
  5. Things re registrations are on the improve. - I received my reregistration label and receipt from RAA today. Dated from 5/12/12 for the next 12 months. Yippee !! I'm going flying !!.
  6. For your info. Rang RAA today to find out how clearing the backlog of registrations was proceeding, and was told that at this stage there were 1000 aircraft grounded (approx 1/3 of RAA fleet. How could there be that many in so short a time ?). I then asked how long they felt it would take to finish? An approximate time frame could not be given as only 2 were processed to date. Surprised - I asked how many people were working on the backlog I was told the whole office (10 people) were working on it. What The ?? I then asked if they were being prioritised , ie - easy /straight forward ones completed first, more complex last etc - the answer was no - they were just doing them as they came when they could fit it in between their other duties. I don't understand, surely this issue should take priority above all else. Most re registrations would be simple and I would have thought many could be processed per hour. I really am lost for words !!.
  7. Great read Eric, you have a gift for written communication it seems - keep it up.
  8. Enjoy the break Ian - you're health comes first !! - as for a job, wasn,t there a chap on this site looking for someone to accompany them on a flying business trip all over the country a little while ago?.
  9. Eric, In my experience 1 turn is enough to remove Jab wing tank fuel caps but is not enough to displace the rubber seal.
  10. Weather looks great for Holbrook this weekend. Leaving for Holbrook at 09300 hrs. Can't wait, Who else is going?
  11. Changing valve guides to a different type may effect warranties or certification if not approved. My interest is in the use of patterning plates which is just an installation technique. The distortion as I understand is at the top end where the head bolts to the barrel causing the barrel to distort inwards and as a result the rings have contract more at TDC as tolerances are tightened causing more friction between piston and liner - possibly causing premature wear. This idea is not new and has been used for decades particularly for air cooled engines with horizontally opposed cylinders.
  12. I have seen these plates, and it makes really good sense, to have the barrels and heads as straight as possible, I believe also the engine in question starts really well as the starter is able to crank the motor with ease. (finally some good communication without all the BS that the haters and sensationalisers on here come up with).
  13. Well done Tomo - Looks and sounds really sweet.
  14. G'day and welcome - you'll have a ball flying the RAA way. Keep us posted on your progress. Cheers, Bill.
  15. Congratulations Bigfella ! - Welcome to the club. I can remember mine like it was yesterday. (1984 actually) - I remember the increased performance of the Cessna 152 and the euphoria of flying alone - what a buzz !!.
  16. I am planning on going to Narromine, (weather permitting) - will be camping underwing. The Jab reunion sounds good and oh yeah - better meet some forumites. BillW.
  17. Flyerme - Great to see everything turned out ok and after the feeding frenzy you still have a sense of humour. Happy flying !!.
  18. Holy bat cave Batman, that is unbelievable flying, - In the past I flew aerobatic model Radio Controlled planes for over 20 years and I wouldn't do those low flying aeros with a model - let alone be in it!!.
  19. Great news C, another happy plane owner joins the ranks. Happy flying!!.
  20. Those springy washers are called Bellville washers, the manual says 6ft lbs (72 in lbs) is the recommended torque value similar to that which Brian suggests.
  21. I had a similar problem when transmitting, (other aircraft could not understand my garbled or warbley transmissions), called Micro air who identified the problem as a faulty chip, so I sent it away, had it back in about 10 days good as new as well as having the latest upgrades done. By the way, the repair cost only $170. Maybe you gave up too soon !!.
  22. Good on yer Herm - looks really nice. Bill.W.
  23. Great result. Cheers, Bill W,
  24. Hi Brian, I would love to have my J230 prop dynamically balanced so if you feel like a trip to Cobden (Vic.) that would be great. (or I could come to you) PS Was that your aircraft outside the Jabiru forum hanger at Temora. Bill W.
  25. Do you have resistive spark plugs and shielded plug leads. These may help. You also need a good quality aerial (tuned length to aircraft freq.) Years ago I ran an Icom A20 with a home made com set in a full faced helmet in a Drifter with no problems. Cheers and good luck, Bill Woodmason.
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