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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. Haven't 2 seat regos always been dearer that single seat aircraft?.
  2. The books have to balance OK, but with the last 35 % hike and last years "inflation" increase it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect some respite if not a reduction of fees this year. The problem is excessive expenditure, trim non essential spending (ie sack the safety officer and leave CASA to do their job for one), cut back on spending resources on pie in the sky ideas (ie access to CTA, MTO weight increases and taking over the GA fleet. RAA was never invisaged to do these things. We have payed a price for becoming "more like GA" as the last CEO of CASA wanted us to do and our representatives blindly went down this path. Unprecedented interference with the Jabiru brand by both RAA and CASA has caused massive upheaval and discontent amongst members. We do not have a members voice amongst the board or the paid staff, they have an agenda driven by CASA's ideals. I have no faith in the two Mikes - they will destroy RAA as we knew it on the result of a vote they campaigned for where only 8% of the membership voted. We have been conned. I can't wait to see the last of both of them.
  3. Cost sharing is permitted.
  4. This survey is window dressing - much like the road show visits they are conducting. They are pushing their (and CASA's) views and don't appear to be listening to what's being said to them. The current hierarchy of RAA have their own agenda and are steadfastly implementing it regardless of rank and file opinions. I have taken the opportunity of filling out the survey but there is no where to expand (save a couple of words) on thoughts of what the board should be pursuing for members. Much like saying 800 votes to change the constitution was an overwhelming vote of confidence in the board. Members organisation my arse!!. Biggest con job ever. I wouldn't trust the two Mikes as far as I could kick them.
  5. What makes you think he is interested in anything the members of RAAus have to say.
  6. Can the results from this poll be taken seriously? - what's to stop someone with an agenda from casting multiple votes?.
  7. I seem to recall a number of years ago it was quoted in Sport Pilot (or its predecessor) by a noted maintainer in the day that CASA did not issue AD's for RAA aircraft but relied on manufacturers issueing Service Bulletins, perhaps I misread what I read. I believe the Jabiru restrictions were issued through an "Instrument" not an AD. Cheers.
  8. As far as I know AD's are applicable to GA aircraft only. Service bulletins are issued for RAA's fleet. CASA does not issue Aircraft Directives for RAAus registered aircraft.
  9. If you believe what was said at Lethbridge by the Tech manager and CEO all ex GA aircraft will have to be SIDS compliant before being accepted onto RAA register. Can you imagine how much time, effort and cost to us will have to go into the extra workload administering these aircraft. I believe part of the reason for the computer system upgrade was for these s--t heaps. If GA pilots want to join RAA let them fly RAA aircraft or don't bother.
  10. Sad news, RIP. Condolences to the family.
  11. How does this fit in with the mantra of "minimum regulation, maximum fun". The aptly named "Canberra Club" are leading RAA down a path to oblivion. If these weight increases come to pass we loose the major "point of difference" we currently have with the GA brigade. RAA will become another CASA. They already are mimicking CASA with their confrontational bull at a gate attitude to change. What have we become? We are powerless to intervene as we have no regional representation and with a 6 man board no hope of any resistance or hope of change to policy. There is no wonder that RAA cannot run a flyin on their own anymore, they are on the nose and everyone can smell it. We are being made to jump through hoops that no one else in aviation has to ie Human Factors, Level 1 maintainers course, weight and balance and what about Jabiru restrictions (which they should have fought tooth and nail against) but assisted CASA. I could stomach 750kg MTOW but why do we need a fleet of 60 plus year old spam cans on our register?. All of these things only benefit someone trying to empire build and enhance their CV. Linke will keep making changes, then leave for a bigger pay packet an leave RAA members to pay for his whims. We have 8500 members and 3500 aircraft on our register, the income from this should be enough to run RAA. If not then we are outreaching our capabilities and should rein in our spending on unnecessary initiatives which we seem to have to comply with regularly just to please our masters. We no longer have a body which can keep CASA at bay but cowtow to their every wish - ex RAA employees who have sold out to (working for) CASA are slowly but surely screwing us to the wall, every week they have a lunch meeting with RAA staff to canvas their tyranny and we stupidly go along get shafted - WTF!. I say pull back on the BS and support the mantra under which we were initially known and successful with.
  12. The Canberra Club strikes again!!?
  13. PM I believe there is a shuttle bus operating to and from the airfield. Full details are on them Lake Boga museum web site. Let google be your friend.
  14. Three of our aircraft belonging to members of " Cobden Aero Club" are attending the reunion - one of our passengers will be a 97 years young member of our club who was stationed there during the war and is very much looking forward to a return visit. We will be based at Swan Hill airport, I would love to say g'day to any forumites while there.
  15. I was there also, the CEO certainly appeared to be able to talk the leg off a chair but didn't seem to take a great deal of notice of what anyone else said. I fear for where we are headed. More hoops to jump, more regulation, greater scrutiny. A lot of balls in the air at once all using our money. Consultation zero. RAA as we knew it is stuffed.
  16. When a thread starts out with an opening sentence like "Another day another Jabiru engine failure" you know where it's going. Such a shame this continues on with some.
  17. You do mean lengthen the tail don't you?( lightening the tail wouldn't help a heavy engine).
  18. [quote= If I was you I would ask for an exemption or ring up so you can log in and do it. Don't give the insurance company a way out if you ever have to claim. So is it possible to be granted an exemption due to prior experience etc.?
  19. There's the problem, the current agenda is not with the memberships blessing. Major changes to so many areas of RAAus operations being bulldozed through without a proper mandate (apart from the change to a "Limited Liability Co"). This grand plan cannot be coming from genuine believers in the RAAus mantra. Monck and Linke have other fish to fry. CASA's wishlist is being imposed on our executive with titbits offered as gains claimed by executive. We are being played as fools, made to spend $1.8 million on compliance and upgrades to computer systems to accomodate an anticipated increase to membership when essentially this financial bleeding weakens our position in all dealing with CASA. We are in crisis !.
  20. Can one of you learned gentlemen or ladies enlighten me as to where the term "Line maintenance" come from, and what does it mean as opposed other maintenance?. I fear for the reputations of Monck and Linke. They are going to be remembered for screwing up a good thing that had a "point of difference" from our GA brethren. All these GA flying Raa board members are blinkered into thinking the GA route is the right way and have failed to keep CASA at bay on behalf of the membership. The failures keep stacking up. They need to be reminded that RAA is about affordable flying with minimum regulation - is anyone listening?. Wake up before it's too late!.
  21. I've been wondering if anyone knows wether current L1 maintainers ie those who were given the right to maintain their aircraft when they received their pilot certificate are going to have to do a course to be able to continue to do maintain their aircraft or are they now deemed incompetent until upskilled. Surely those who have maintained their aircraft for years will be exempted from this.
  22. We need to start a petition to stop RAAus continuing down this path of self destruction of the organisation as we knew it. No one was consulted about these changes, we are being dictated to by Monck and Linke. It's time they were both sent on their way.
  23. It's because some bugs and grubs come to the surface at night.
  24. The same crap went on here for years unabated from certain members - thankfully it stopped in the main following CASA introducing their ill informed instrument.
  25. I have heard of a problem like yours when battery voltage is on the low side ie 12.0v - 12.3v or you have heaps of avionics draining battery power on a battery that is no longer up to par. Try swapping out your battery leaving unnessesary avionics of during testing. Having the same problem with two different radios would point to it being something else in the plane.
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