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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. Facty, You said it all in your last paragraph with "Just because CASA wants to divest itself of something doesn't mean we should rush to get involved with it. IN FACT WE SHOULD BE VERY WARY. It could easily load us up with costs we can't bear. A smaller organisation working well is better than a large empire crumbling." There needs to be a quantum improvement in providing just basic services to existing loyal members before we contemplate taking on more categories (more sophisticated) of aircraft. I cannot see why there is a push from the CEO to add to our fleet with old aircraft up to 1500 kg. There needs to be more meaningful consultation with members over the issues of current change. In trying to appease CASA we are losing our way!!.
  2. By all accounts there's 6500 less copies being printed now. Has the rest of the money been spent on the electronic copy?. If this is the case then where were the savings from this move coming from?. There has to be a surplus!!.
  3. There should have been a massive windfall of cash injected by the membership through the increase in fees last year. $90 plus to get a magazine and no reduction in fees for those who elected not to receive a magazine. Logic would say that the latter also paid an extra $90 plus also. So 8500 x $90 = $765000 minimum extra in the coffers. Was this income reflected in the financial report? Has it been spent on system upgrades along with the other Mill or so. Is the Safety Manager on some fabulous salary that looks more like a telephone number than a wage?. I am astounded that the CEO would ask the members to dig deeper into their pockets after last years rise. All things being even we should have been exempt from fee increases for many years IMO. I believe that $200 for membership is about at the glass ceiling where people will question whether they should still be members. Falling services provided from head office only reinforces people's resolve to leave.
  4. Hi Deb, congratulations on your 2nd solo flight, it will get easier and you will relax more with experience I'm sure. Re your Gazelle there is a poster on here who has offered advice to anyone who needs to know anything about Skyfox's/ Gazelles - he used to make them. He posts as "foxworker". He started a thread called "Skyfox wings 21 through 25 N". (It's on the second page of thread titles). Good luck.
  5. I have Microair radio with external intercom in my J230 - works fine.
  6. Ian, is there a menu or legend for the agree or like buttons etc. I know those two but the others I'm not sure about. Perhaps titles should be written above or below them. Only a very small point I know but it may help some users.
  7. Turbs, thank you for your concern but luckily I have a thick hide so I am OK. I thought it was ordinary behaviour that after the vote that Jim Tatlock took one of my posts apart answering each paragraph with his spin and giving me another clip in the process and then offered an olive branch at the end. I sincerely hope we've seen the last of him on the board. I believe I am entitled to my opinion without attack. It seemed to me that it was deliberate tactic to shut me up. Very poor form.
  8. You will find they both move without power - the gyro stabilises the instrument for a more reliable and accurate reading of the turn indicator when turned on. It has no effect on the slip ball.
  9. It will be for the turn coordinator the whirring sound is the gyro inside the instrument. You can tell when you switch it on there is an orange flag indicator on the dial. When it is switched off you can't see it. Cheers.
  10. Hey Geoff13, If Russ replied I can't- then I wouldn't. Simple (works for me).
  11. Russ, can I pm you for the details of your oil return?.
  12. Well done Deb, you'll never forget your first solo for as long as you live. Onwards and upwards now - good luck with it.
  13. I believe this request for compliance is a forerunner to the introduction of the Ops / Tech manual which is rumoured to contain stringent compliance demands backed by disciplinary actions and or fines, suspensions or deregistration for non compliance. This document is shrouded in secrecy and a major component to its implementation is the first move to Company Limited Liability status. The main reason for putting this in place is the reduced number on the board so that the no votes are done away with. It seems the RAA is to become the enforcer. ie to take over CASA's ( Coots Against Small Aeroplanes) role. It is imperitive that the introduction of this Constitutional change is slowed down so that the full impact of it and the updated Ops / Tech manuals is fully understood by the membership before its put in stone. I urge every member to vote and in the interests of fairness vote NO to slow down this process so that nothing is done that could be detrimental or costly to members. The RAA is supposed to be a members association whose charter is to represent it's members not the regulator. If this is allowed to continue we are going to need a members association to represent us against our existing RAA association. Somewhere along the way with the changes of CEO's etc the focus on our members rights has shifted to a focus on heavy handed policing of what the members are doing. If these changes in total are adopted it is going to be costly to our members. AUF/RAAus was introduced as a low cost, minimum regulation form of recreational flying which it appears may be a thing of the past.
  14. Mr Tatlock, I'm entitled to express the truth as I know it, you may not like and are entitled to stick up for your mates in Canberra but I don't think personal attacks are appropriate - so in future keep your remarks about me to yourself - you do not know me personally.
  15. Don don't mandatory AD's only apply to GA aircraft. RAA aircraft are subject to Service Bulletens which are advisory only.
  16. So Don, you don't think that we'll go back to the performance of the old days.. Re my registration renewal recently which I referred to in my previous post - RAA failed to notify me that it was due for renewal. If not for me following up with the Office I would have been unregistered and unable to partake in a fly away the next weekend. I am also due for a Biannual Review in a few days and have not been advised of this either- does any of this seem familiar to the performance of the old days?. I was tied up in the backlog of registrations during the days of the the audits - unregistered for a time. All that nonsense about retrospectively putting extra placards on aircraft that were factory built to the standards required of the day. What about the aircraft that are in limbo over ongoing airworthiness/registration issues?. How about the ongoing Jabiru fiasco and RAA's roll. Owners have been thrown under a bus. (Members Association my arse) What about the accountability of the board when it was found we were running in the red. What about the increase in fees for a Pilot Certificate and for registration - will it never end. Who's happy with the outcome of the magazine issue? What about a CEO who keeps bleeting about how good things are going since he got the job when the rank and file like myself experience a different RAA. Changing the Constitution is purely cosmetic, the problems of the past should have been picked up by those in charge and rectified - that was their job!! And another thing - who said we need a weight increase, all I see is an organisation that wants to take over as many categories of aircraft it can while not catering for those already on the register. For all the good intentions of those in charge and those on the board, all we've ended up with has been a torrid few years of seemingly rudderless rule by an ever demanding master. And the worst problem of all is that it has forsaken it's existing and shrinking membership. Cheers, Have a nice day.
  17. At least someone has got something good to say about him. Me I'm not convinced.
  18. I don't believe they have the right to ask for this information. I was asked to provide compliance information on renewing my aircraft registration recently. Is RAA with us or against us? - after all we are a members association. I'm concerned where all this will end with changes to our constitutional makeup ( blamed on poor management in the past - what a croc.) and seemingly more attempts to encroach on our rights.
  19. Hi Nico13, Welcome to the forum. Where did you choose to train from - an exciting time for you no doubt. Good luck.
  20. For cryin' out loud!!.
  21. Moy71, Which model are you talking about ?. Ken De Vos's above has pictures of a 160/170. These would not be entirely relevant to to earlier (1990's) versions. I have a 1993 LSA that has a POH if that is more what you are looking for albeit that it started life as a J2 not a J3. ( ie 1600cc not 2200cc ).
  22. Hi Helirich75 - welcome to Rec. Aviation forums. There's lot's of good info to be found in these pages. Where from and what are you flying ?. (If you have begun yet).
  23. You are spot on kgwilson - I am the nominated Data Originator for YCDE (Cobden Victoria) which is maintained by the Corangamite Shire under advisement from the "Cobden Aerodrome Committee of Management" to which I belong.
  24. Off to the AAAA flyin at Echuca this weekend in company with two other Jabs from Cobden (Southern Vic). Hope the weather cooperates. The AAAA flyin is one of the best collections of classic aircraft you will ever see in the one place at the one time. Bring on Saturday !!.
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