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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. I got a loaner from Jab a couple of years ago while I sorted out radio problem - great service - they billed me for it and credited my account on it's return.
  2. Well Alf - I'll be buttered on both sides!!.
  3. Where's the motor on the hang glider in the photograph. Looks like an archive photo of a hang glider to me. Would a motorised hang glider (if there is such a thing) be on the RAA register?.
  4. Bruce your temps would appear to be on the hot side. What did you use to record the temps? Did you get advice on the location of the probes and installation etc. Good luck with it.
  5. Facty, l am pleased it was above board and mentioned in despatches although I do not remember reading anything in our media about it. I have no objection to taking in administrative work if it makes our office more productive, but we got ourselves in hot water recently because we couldn't keep up with aircraft registrations etc and needed extra staff to comply. Were we taking in extra work then?. I really liked the idea of Ausfly and applaud the cooperation between SAAA, RAAus & GA. I just think as far as amalgamation with anyone else it will make it easier for CASA to apply one set of rules for everybody meaning more tightly controlled regulations and policed compliance requirements for RAAus whose mantra has been self administration since inception. I think we would lose out.
  6. I don't know about this - to my knowledge RAA has never revealed that it took in administrative work for other organisations - if so why not? More secrets. I think the members of RAA would be reluctant to amalgamate with SAAA as we have already seen other groups suddenly aligned with us ie microlights, powered parachutes etc. To add to that the 95.10 guys are filthy that the higher performance end of the spectrum (600kg) aircraft are included in the RAA fleet. The heirarchy appears to be pushing for an increased weight limit for recreational aircraft but my gut feel is that the membership has no interest in a move such as this. I have a feeling that CASA would like us all bundled up into one easily managed group who willingly cow tow to their demands, similar to what happened to the union movement in the Hawke era where the number of union organisations was reduced to less than a handful. For a self administered organisation we seem to have lost our autonomy since the likes of Middo have gone. So why would we entertain amalgamating with SAAA. They seem to have internal problems of their own in spades.
  7. From the moment CASA became involved the outcome was inevitable - they do not negotiate. Whoever made contact with CASA on this issue would have had a fair idea of what would ensue. The unanswered question is "What was their real motivation"?.
  8. Bruce I think RAA office have had more to do with assisting the regulator to impose sanctions from the outset - more than one of our board members have been outspoken about Jabiru(s) in this forum in the past (now all silent thank goodness). Anecdotally the Tech manager is anti Jab as well, also the CEO has made inappropriate comments in the past. You would think they would be actively supporting their membership by keeping Jabiru a strong brand in the marketplace seeing a large proportion would have trained in Jabirus (supporting Flying Schools) and what of the members who own Jabirus which make up a large part of RAA's fleet. I don't believe they have had their (members) best interests at heart which in my opinion should be their first responsibility. I for one am very disappointed in the outcome of this witch hunt. It should never have come to imposing sanctions. Improvements have been made to all versions of the motor in an ongoing process since inception and is easily demonstratable. All so unnecessary !!.
  9. Hi BlurE, I've been into Apollo Bay a few times in the past, checking ERSA just now has revealed it does not have an entry anymore but I found an entry in an old National Airfield Directory It is classified as an ALA. You have to approach the runway from the ocean (270') and depart on (090,) over the ocean from memory otherwise you have a really steep climb out to get over the mountains to the west. (The Otways). The strip does have a gradient towards the west - 20 ft if memory serves. It is a interesting and novel approach and departure from YAPO but easily do-able - join down wind by heading out over the beach to the sea and make a standard left hand approach to base and final There is a tourist operator located at the Airfield who does joy flights along the coast. A few points from the National Airfield Directory - Prior permission required - Operator Colac Otway Shire ph 03 52 329400. Strip length 760 metres. Direction 09/27. Surface Grass and gravel. CTAF Freq 126.7 (Multi Comm.) Special Proceedures - High ground at W end. Consider one way unless wind dictates. Power line on approach from E. Wind sock N side E end. Hope this helps.
  10. Hi Cavok, welcome to the forum. Where are you flying from?.
  11. Re cooling - has there been a definitive article written by anyone (Jabiru included) explaining in detail the measures to take to ensure cool running of all the variants of Jab motors. (I know there has been posts on this site about baffles and airflow etc). It would be enormously helpful to all Jab owners if a set of drawings or a kit was available to easily modify existing engines. I realise certified engines cannot be legally altered however it would be helpful for experimental owners and those who were willing to take a punt on the advantage of a cooler running engine. Come on Oscar prompt your contact into action.
  12. Hey Vev, last time I flew in we all had to pay - is that the go this time ?.
  13. The head (or heads) on this engine may have been removed during the upgrades mentioned while engine was inhibited for all those years before finally being put in service. Just sayin.
  14. Well done Dan !! Welcome to the forum.
  15. Sabrina, it seems you've got the bug bad - welcome to the forum. Good luck with your collection of aircraft.
  16. Senator contacted.
  17. The penny has just dropped - I now realise who Ornis is and what his beef is (thanks Oscar). Let it go Ornis!!.
  18. What a disappointing diatribe from Ornis, I thought we had moved beyond this kind of post - kicking Jabiru and it's customers in the guts. To all who have maintained this line of attack - give it a rest - you've got what you wanted. Jabiru has made consistent progress in making their engine reach tbo as is demonstrated by the list of changes to the various model engines. All engines need development as the situation arises. Jabiru has responded to these challenges although perhaps not quickly enough for its detractors or competitors. What is needed now is the truth to come out about how this CASA action came about. Ie. Who were the chief initiators, were any of them from inside RAAus or previous employees etc urged on by disgruntled owners ( rumours abound) when the available data alone did not support or warrant CASA imposing these sanctions. It is obvious heads should roll !!.
  19. I was at Narromine the year Chris had his Sparrow there and I spoke to him briefly - sad to hear he's gone. Log book tells me it was April 2003. Had he been ill or was his passing sudden ?. RIP Chris, condolences to his family and friends.
  20. How do you all go reaching the iPad and using the touch screen when it's mounted in the panel ?, I find it easy on my lap but I think it would add a degree of difficulty with an outstretched arm with bumps and vibes while airborne.
  21. Looks like a wheels up landing. Ouch!!.
  22. Had both but I think the mini is more cockpit friendly.
  23. Welcome Rob, watch out for AIDS as you progress along your aeronautical journey. ( Aircraft induced Divorce Syndrome). You'll need to keep your significant other happy (if there is one) while you persue your dream. Enjoy the forum.
  24. A Kitfox could be an option. Price maybe 20 - 30K. Depending on hours in service and age.
  25. Jaba-who tell me more about your mark 3 brakes. What's different, when did they become available?.
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