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Everything posted by billwoodmason

  1. No doubt we are all looking for a more wallet friendly way to monitor temps with the ability to store info so maybe this discussion will give rise to some innovative solutions for us all. Come on all you techy guys get thinking.
  2. Michael, broadly you really only need to give your location if you are approaching or leaving an airfield with intentions or are approaching an area where you have heard or seen other traffic in the vacinity and wish to make your presence known for safety reasons. Reporting stations are generally only at busy metropolitan airfields that have a Tower so the controllers can get all their ducks in a row. In more rural settings you should base your calls in relation to the airfield to where you are. For example "Traffic xyz, jabiru 1234 inbound 10 miles southwest at 2500ft,traffic xyz" From your post it seemed to me that you may be overthinking the situation and making unnecessary calls. Good airmanship dictates that you should only use the radio for calls that are necessary for the safe operation of your flight and leave the airways free for others to make the same necessary calls. A read of the Radio operators handbook will give you all the examples you need.
  3. I know the knockers (FT, Bull, Mick Poole etc) will be disappointed but maybe it wasn't a Jab motor.
  4. Living the dream - enjoy!.
  5. Good on you - enjoy learning to fly.
  6. Congrats Poteroo - quite a milestone.
  7. Nice bird !!. Looks an absolute picture. Congrats on the purchase.
  8. Who are you DrZoos ? I'm intrigued by your read on issues related to RAA etc. Do you have a vested interest ?.
  9. Welcome MGADriver. Nice cars. Enjoy the forum.
  10. Welcome guys, lots of good info on here - enjoy!.
  11. Welcome aboard Michael.
  12. Guernsey, I could be your new best friend as well - 3/4 Spitty would be just fine thanks. God speed with winning Lotto.
  13. Welcome Mick, the sooner you take the jump to that first lesson the closer you'll be to taking a mate for a fly to share your new passion. Get into it ! You won't regret the experience of a lifetime.
  14. RAA could do worse than follow the blue print that Nhill presented. Come to think of it they've already achieved that milestone.
  15. What a great day!! Professionally organised, really interesting aeroplanes and flying displays and entertainment for those not so keen on the aviation events. The food courts were doing a roaring trade with lots of different foods and beverages on offer. The organisers deserve a big tick - congratulations to all concerned. I think they would have done very well out of the day - there were heaps of spectators and probably over 100 aircraft flew in as well. Top day.
  16. I've registered and will be there weather permitting - looking good at the moment.
  17. I'm with you Russ! No good can come from post headings such as this one. I have contacted Ian before on this point. Disaffected people on this and other forums have contributed to giving CASA licence to treat the most successful aircraft/engine manufacturer in Australian history in an absolutely disgraceful and contemptible way. All the revisions and upgrades done to the different versions of the Jab engines clearly showing a progressive effort to better the products have meant nothing to an overbearing regulator (CASA) hell bent on being ---holes to make reputations for themselves.
  18. Fresh fuel?.
  19. The published numbers for both the paper version and the electronic from memory added up to about 55-60 per cent of the overall membership. People either find it too hard to navigate past the deliberate redirection to sign up to a paper subscription or simply can't be bothered or want to read the on line version. This whole thing is about extracting a 30 percent increase in fees from the membership and in my opinion has been done in an underhanded and slimy (read dishonest) way. Those members who chose to pay for their own online version should have gotten at least a partial rebate of the cost already taken from their membership fees for the magazine. The board should be standing up to CASA and their demands in the name of "safety". Slowly but surely we are becoming another version of GA which is on the cusp of only people wanting to make a career out of flying are getting a PPL. By the way Jetjr I've had a PPL since 1986.
  20. I'd love to know who moved to make this change to our magazine delivery format and increase our annual fees in the one foul swoop. I'm heartily sick of the weekly emails ( and posturing in the magazine) from the CEO sprouting about how the take up of the hard copy option is fabulous but the discounted offer has been extended. It would seem that the take up of the hard copy option is nowhere near their expectation. Candidly I'm not surprised - we have been taken advantage of by stealth. Further more - searches for download options on the web sight constantly lead back to the take up offer for the hard copy option. This is a debacle, I am very disappointed with RAA on this issue and would like to know who to blame.
  21. Very sad to hear, - condolences to his family and friends. Fly free Pud.
  22. The photos resemble a Kitfox is it related or a new ground up design?.
  23. CASA no doubt would be keen to claim this NZ incident as another Jab failure for their stats?.
  24. CASA no doubt would be keen to claim this NZ incident as another Jab failure for their stats?.
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