Michael, broadly you really only need to give your location if you are approaching or leaving an airfield with intentions or are approaching an area where you have heard or seen other traffic in the vacinity and wish to make your presence known for safety reasons. Reporting stations are generally only at busy metropolitan airfields that have a Tower so the controllers can get all their ducks in a row. In more rural settings you should base your calls in relation to the airfield to where you are.
For example "Traffic xyz, jabiru 1234 inbound 10 miles southwest at 2500ft,traffic xyz"
From your post it seemed to me that you may be overthinking the situation and making unnecessary calls. Good airmanship dictates that you should only use the radio for calls that are necessary for the safe operation of your flight and leave the airways free for others to make the same necessary calls. A read of the Radio operators handbook will give you all the examples you need.