Some very good information here regarding Australia. I'm curious, is this primarily an Australian forum? It may be a little while before we're shipping anything that far, and we may have to adpat the product for regulations there if/when that time comes. We're just getting started, and we have shipped outside the US (once), but haven't shipped to Australia yet. Though we do intend to take advantage of the treaty with the US regarding international patents, extending our patent to Australia and other countries. Here in the US we have different regulations and requirements, and a significant amount of our efforts bringing this to market were to ensure we stayed inside those lines, including consulting with Intertek, a National Research Testing Laboratory (NRTL). Here in the US the placarding requirement is a function of HAZMAT regulations, and only come into effect above 119 gallons, where a HAZMAT registration by the end user, and placarding for hazardous materials, comes into play.
Thanks for the info!!!