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Everything posted by Underwood

  1. Yes, providing you can make a reliable new connection with a 50 Ohm connector , the coax length on these bought antenna isnt tuned in any way its just sold with a usable length but lengthening it a lot will reduce the signal/noise ratio a bit
  2. I also have a D3 as a backup AI, It doesnt like vibration and I found it would wander when mounted somewhere prone to vibration but a reposition with some hardish foam in the mount I made cured that I don't use the synthetic vision/terrain option and imagine its not that usefull on such a small screen Also it needs a GPS fix for the horizon to come online.
  3. Yes sorry, I was curious for myself as all solenoids I have seen have the heavy duty starter cables direct to the battery and it would be these points on the solenoid that a jump start connection would be made to, perhaps there is a further heavy duty relay in the line that needs switching? As you said, It is a question that Langted needs answering before connecting anything
  4. Kiwi surely the relevant relay connections go straight to the battery?, so this would work?
  5. Your EFIS may have a logging function where you could look up the numbers of certain parameters on your last flight
  6. Have a UMA fuels pressure sender also, it is working fine after 10 years service mounted on the cabin side of firewall but with the threaded portion going penetrating into the engine bay. but they arent cheap (£295 in UK)
  7. Reading that comment especially this sentence: Makes me suspect the commenter is likely not an instructor Youtube Comments sections do seem to attract the Walter Mittys of this world
  8. Brendan, the Bypass is not to allow normal operation via the mechanical pump when the facet pump is turned off but rather to allow an alternate path for fuel delivery should the Facet pump fail in a manner that it became blocked I don't know of any reports that a Facet pump has failed closed though and had about 500 hours on a previous aircraft with an inline facet and no bypass so admittedly the bypass is possibly entirely superfluous
  9. I suppose they think if they allow anyone then they might have to spend time explaining fundamentals and terminology that would slow things down for everybody. Not for one moment implying you dont know your stuff, just perhaps one reason they might limit entry. Good luck though, never hurts to ask.
  10. Been a bit hectic lately, heres my pump and bypass fitted:
  11. Thanks Blue, I've fitted mine now. Mine is not cenetred but mounted off one of the lower tubes under the passenger seat. I also fitted a bypass loop with a one way valve as a bit of belt and braces though I know the failure mode of the facet pumps is to fail open. other skyrangers at my field dont have a bypass, I guess there is no harm in fitting one except for the extra plumbing giving more failure points. I'm getting it signed off on Saturday and will take a picture. Thanks again.
  12. Thanks, I'm not sure if that is available in the UK but I'll look into it. Sorry my question turned into such a thing, it isnt really a biggie just aesthetics really Blue skies
  13. I do appreciate the replies but didnt specifically reply to you as you seemed to just want to give a lesson on well known aspects of Materials but no real pertinent advice, sorry if that hurt your feelings. BTW, I never said it had been sitting idle for years so im a bit confused as to where you got that from. again everyone thanks for the replies.🙂
  14. Wow, I've never even seen a DC4 for real. I'm not sure if they were ever common here in the UK does it have any form of autopilot fitted? I know the DC6 had a sort of crude one I think called a Gyro-pilot?
  15. Thanks for replies, I tried the Starbrite stuff that the boast forums recommend and its expensive rubbish, made no difference whatsoever. I think I'll try good old T-cut on an small area and see what that does
  16. I just removed much of the vinyl graphics on the Nynja I bought and as they have been on there for about 12 years then there is a noticable difference between where the vinyl has kept the fibreglass nice and white to the slight yellowing of the exposed areas. I did think perhaps T-Cut and an orbital polisher but the boat forums all say not to use that but something called starbrite. But I'm not sure how similar the very thin fibreglass on a Nynja is to the boat stuff (is it the same but just thinner? Has anyone tackled this on their Nynja or similar airframe?.
  17. Proper flying Mr Franco🫡
  18. I apologise for yet another picture request. The Nynja I bought doesnt have a backup electric fuel pump (quite unusual I think) does anyone have a pic of their setup? I'm assuming most people fit them under the seat? Thanks
  19. Hello Blue, I have those tubes blanked off also. On a related subject, the UK CAA has recently sent aircraft owners a mail stating mandatory fitment of an active O2 detector, I have always fitted one anyway but its a pretty blatant admittance from the authorities that those black dot indicators that aviation suppliers peddled for decades are pretty much useless. (we all knew that really)
  20. I felt sorry for the Ugandan bloke, he obviously had a good grasp of how to design a helicopter and it did work, I'm not sure how much flight training he had but if entirely self taught he did pretty well. Only ever doing one hour in an R22 half of which was hovering I can appreciate how lack of training combined with a completely untried machine would be a trial. Good on the fella.
  21. I'm afraid Part 103 equivalence wouldn't help you anyway Space Sailor, the hummelbird isnt Part 103 compliant, the ultracruiser is the part 103 version
  22. Some of these designs have the Pilot/pax seated some way aft of CoG and people have got a lot fatter since design was initialised, doesnt help. One of the reasons I think we now have the rather silly imo 600kg microlight class in the uk
  23. Even Oxygen can give you cancer, free radicals in every breath, we are all on a one way trip. Im pretty concerned about the stuff we spew out to have our fun, but more because of what it is doing to the rest of the beings on our planet that dont even get any fun out of it and of course the planet itself
  24. Thanks Blue, I see you also mounted the water radiator to the engine cases, I suppose it takes weight off the lower cowl and makes removing it easier too.
  25. Many thanks Col, that shows it clearly
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