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Everything posted by Underwood

  1. Hello, early Nynjas had the oil cooler in tandem behind the water coolant radiator. This leads to high oil temps in certain situations. Anyone have some pictures of how the Oil cooler is fitted in the more recent installations?, I gather its a pair of brackets coming off the gearbox (I have tried to find a clear photo online but no luck so far) Happy new year to all my fellow Flyers
  2. Sometimes the journey is an end in itself, I wish you well.
  3. The Rotax powered Hotship market is getting quite saturated and certainly very competitive. I wish you well, but fear you have set yourself a huge task. Good luck
  4. I love quirky looking designs, as soon as I saw this I thought that really looks like the Astazou installation as fitted to the early versions of the Handley page Jetstreams. A bit of googling confirms that it was actually testing the Astazou Installation for the Jetstream https://www.key.aero/article/gallery-testing-handley-page-jetstream-1967 Thanks for posting
  5. Do you not think having that attitude towards the act of flying could present its own hazards?
  6. This definately rates as one of those "should do" things that are best not blindly followed in any situation.
  7. I tend to taxi as far over to one side of the runway as practical. Most of my experience is operating to and from small grass strips where I developed this habit as a self preservation technique. When I used to operate a taildragger Id do as rodger mentions above(you sorta have to)
  8. Hello Blue, its this one... https://www.carmoelectronics.co.uk/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2276 I fitted it yesterday and it is working fine providing a healthy 14.4v whereas the original Ducati Reg/Rec was not giving more than about 13.5v I've not tried a flight yet (weather is awfull here) but if I encounter any interference then installing a cap becomes a consideration, though Carmo indicates its not needed. Thanks Danny, so no problems with interference with radio or instruments without one (I use an EFIS for engine monitoring)
  9. Hello Danny, I just bought a Carmo Reg/rec and notice the wiring diagram omits a capacitor, did you fit one anyway?
  10. Does anyone know if you can connect a MAP sensor to an MGL RDAC VD?
  11. Its standard practice to have a few Lawyers proof read everything before it goes out, do they still have the disclaimer on uncertified (UL/ULS) engine's manuals saying something like 'this engine can stop at any time'?
  12. I've yet to meet anyone with experience of these Engines and as others have mentioned, it will be in the field experince over a good sized user base that will ultimately determine the success or lack of for any Product. There may still be a sizeable market for use of this catagory of engines in Drones that could be leveraged. Regarding Sub-ing out stuff leading to quality drops: Rotax has always subbed out its 912 Cylinder production I think it would be very hard to find an Engine manufacturer that doesnt do something similar , Pistons for example are routinely sourced elsewhere. The perception that Chinese = poor quality has a sound base, my experience is that China whilst perfectly happy to churn out garbage is also very capable of high quality production when it is demanded.
  13. Did they not evacuate pax as soon as safely stopped?, appreciate its a balance between how much danger is perceived on leaving them onboard compared with possibility of injury on evac.
  14. Bladder type ferry tanks are certificated for that purpose not the same for a couple of jery cans though. Many people do it though including myself.
  15. I often travel with 2 x 10 litre plastic fuel cans strapped down in the cockpit, I fill them leaving a small air pocket then compress the cans with my knees till fuel is nearly at top and seal the screw tops Not advising anyone to do this, but my aircraft's main fuel tanks are 2 x 30 litre plastic containers placed directly behind the 2 seats. I worry more about the 2 fitted tanks than the spare fuel cans. P.S. I believe its actually Illegal
  16. What a good Idea, I might knock one up this winter
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