thanks, we finally got the carbs synchronised after we cleaned them, we went thro all the steps, adjusting the cables, tieing them down etc and she was smooth, i took it for one circuit and she was just like before i put the motor in storage for 5 months. i was very happy,
Next day i took it out to do some flying as i had only done one circuit the day before and it started to run rough again at cruise, 4000 to 5200 rpm, she starts well, accelerates well, climbs 1400 fpm, everything up to them is good. once i am at cruising altitude i level out and pull back the throttle and within a minute it starts to run rough, and will continue from 5200 down to 4000. the last time i had it up i pulled the choke out a little when she was running rough and that made it run a little smoother. it is not a regular rough like a propeller out of balance more like a car running on bad plugs or bad gas.
i have now tied the overflow tubes to the air filters behind the carbs, installed new fuel filter and lowered the clips on the main jets one notch to the bottom notch, checked the carb bowls for dirt(none). re did the synchronisation on the carbs and hopefully will get it up in a day or so if the snow keeps away, very frustrating for sure,