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Everything posted by aj_richo

  1. I used a product called prekote to clean and prepare the 6061 alloy my Sonex is built with. I then used Wattyl etch primer over the top. It was a lot of work and the Wattyl etch primer may not have been the best product to use as its a little soft and should actually be top coated. But I felt it was a lot better for my health than using products like alodine and two pack with isoncyanates
  2. http://www.protec.com.au/images/uploads/tech_data_sheets/AP-4441_PROTEC_ETCH_PRIMER_Protec_Primers_29-11-16.pdf Note the hardener contains isocyanate, wont meet your requirements
  3. Yep Fairyland.. I built this 1984-87, from memory it was around $4500-5000 in 80's dollars Last flight before retiring it was in 2005
  4. I know we're completely off topic.. but re-contents of Bex powders: Bex Powders | School of Medical Sciences
  5. How hot.. damn hot! I use a piece of static cling film cut to size and placed directly overhead. Hasn't fallen off yet in 3 years. Along with mandatory hat and sunscreen provides a bit of relief from direct sun. Streetwize Static Cling 1200x450mm Black Winter time you get enough solar radiation to keep warm with a light jacket.. until the sun goes out then its fricken cold.. lol
  6. Hi Ralf, Flying Fuels Parafield Flying Fuels, aviation fuel, avgas, jet a-1, shell water detector, SWD Cheers Tony
  7. Here is a video link of the aircraft prior to the accident and just after - taken by boaties nearby Video shows Roy Halladay’s final moments before plane crash
  8. I've had my Dynon D180 go into a reboot loop at inoportune times, I have a mechanical ASI as backup. Have flown approach and landing purely on the ASI, also takeoffs.. no drama except if heading off on a cross country. A few threats to replace it with an MGL and it comes good after a few minutes.
  9. My hangar partner recently recovered his HyperLight SNS-8 biplane with Oratex, looks pretty good.
  10. GroundHog day.. again
  11. This has come a few times in the past, someone else put me on to one of these: I recommend a Vority Dual USB car charger from Amazon. 3.1A and 1A outlets. It will charge my mini iPad and iphone together and most importantly, NO radio interference on the MGL v6 when charging. Oooh bugger - currently unavailable Amazon.com: Vority Dual USB Car Charger 3.1Amp 15.5W (White) 1.0+2.1A Universal Ports, Smart Power Supply For iPad Mini /4/3/2, iPhone 5S/5C/5/4S/4/3, Android / Blackberry / Windows Cell Phones & Tablets, Portable Cigarette Lighter Adaptor, Mobile Travel Charging Station 12V Input - 5V Output. Fast & Smart Duo31CC: Cell Phones & Accessories
  12. Same guy turbocharged and fuel injected a Jab 2200
  13. Kathryns Report on the accident Kathryn's Report: Icon A5, N184BA: Fatal accident occurred May 08, 2017 in Napa County, California
  14. Peter Anson, Sonex pilot and Engineer extraordinaire has designed and manufactured a light weight jack for Sonex aircraft.. 400+grams could easily be adapted to other aircraft http://www.ansoneng.com/sample-page/products-summary/quick-lift-wheel-jack/
  15. I dont have differential brakes to steer my taildragger.. tailwheel only
  16. Loved this quote in the article.. “An aircraft is an aircraft,” Rocky Davidson, of the FAA’s Nashville Flights Standards District Office, told Ars. “We have the same rules and regulations for shooting a regular aircraft.” ..as long as you follow the rules and regulations, you can shoot an aircraft..
  17. Cant find the real thing? How about an LSA replica.. Timber Tiger Aircraft-home of the Light Sport Ryan ST replica and Timber Tiger STOL
  18. Photos in the news article have a powerline across the crash site... could be significant
  19. I seem to have this dim memory of a twin engine machine built in the early 90's, may have been by Nestor Slepcev, called it Yugo ?. Australian Ultralights mag had a picture of it.. IN flight. (Back when innovation not recrimination was the in thing!)
  20. Hey BlueAdv.. Sonex airframes are built primarilly with 6061 alloy, held together with 10000+ stainless pulled rivets in close formation. The factory say 6061 doesn't corrode and don't recommend any corrosion treatments, which is crap. Mine is primed internally with etch primer along all mating surfaces. Some guys go the alodine + primer route, I valued my life expectancy over airframe lifetime. On the exterior of my polished example it exibits corrosion around surface rivet heads on/under wings, under the fuse, around the tail, primarily where dust, exhaust residue and moisture have accumulated. Keeping dust and moisture at bay is key to controlling the galvanic process. I keep it under control with regular cleaning and polishing to remove fine dust and the white cancer. Enduring winters in a carpeted hangar is the worst environment for it. I'm also paranoid about getting it wet in rain as there are all those open rivets and seamed panel pathways into the airframe!
  21. Not much room over your way Nick between the terrain and that 2500' step! I flew around the Mt Barker summit the other day and thought about a flyover (flypast) your hill.. bugged out in the end as theres not really any place for a nonSTOL aircraft to put down if needed!
  22. Correct Col.. we've already done that at our local as we were being forced to use the busy Adelaide area frequency, instead of the CTAF we are situated under. Problem solvered.
  23. thats a long lunch date.. 15th - 18th Feb!
  24. Quadcity Challenger? A side view would help
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