someone working on a duct stimulator. Duct stimulation in the natural MOA was entirely the purview of the MOA, but when it came to mustering a MOA with no external duct control seemed less than ideal... Captain was heard to say that if the MOA couldn't be reliably forced, through an enhanced control to emit flames from its orifice then the difference between a slow land speed record and flight seemed an impossible chasm!!!
So soon it came to pass that an enhanced control that could "turn on" the duct operation was found and quickly applied with liberal use of the aptly named duct tape........ but as can be seen above in captains C130 photo where the crew, had gear down due to their expectation that they should be at circuit height and turning final shortly, but in fact as the photo shows that were about to pierce the atmosphere/space boundary found themselves needing duct tape to stop the smelly stuff from floating around the cockpit as they rapidly flicked page to page in their "C130 Crap has happened" (C130CHHM) manual to determine what the best way to return to atmosphere was for a c130 that inadvertently found itself in desperate need of a a duct off control...... The captain of the C130 was heard to ask, does Bernoulli even apply is space?? and at teh same time introduced a boot full of right rudder, so that the skid marks left weren't only in the underwear of said crew....
Meanwhile Turdy...who was heard sniggering...duct off to......