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Henk Eijkman

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  1. Hi Graham - slartibartfast had the answer - try this url and enjoy!!! http://www.pemet.com.au/
  2. Thanks for the info. My Jabiru is 0936. So far the engine has been running very nicely but in my annual service we discovered a bit of oil in 2 and 4 cylinders, hence the question.
  3. Hi Russ - looks like we're all up late and can't get away from aircraft
  4. My Jabiru 2200 engine has just over 600 hrs. The manual says TBO is 1000 hrs (or 2000 hrs for full o/h). I'd really like to know if the 1000 hrs is realistic. So my question is how many hours are people really getting out of their engines?
  5. I'm Henk Eijkman. I live and work in Canberra and keep my Jabiru at Goulburn. I don't get as much flying in as I used to when i lived in Armidale but aim to rectify that. I used to snoop around this site in its older (original?) version. I thought it was good then - but its even much better now. Happy flying!
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