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  1. Just out of interest coinz - did you find a L2 anywhere near Merredin - Thanks
  2. There is also Metcheck I have only found it recently - but so far its been pretty accurate. Allows you to select "aviation" as a hobby , then gives wind speed and direction at gnd and at 2500ft + cloud base and 0 deg altitude Metcheck.com - Aviation Weather Forecasts - 8 Day Aviation Weather Forecast for Yorkrakine.
  3. Pic of plane just before crash
  4. Getting back to more important matters. Was there supposed to be a meeting this afternoon ? If so, did it happen ? Any idea of any outcomes ??
  5. Isnt this a little late ?? If RA-Aus did this a couple of years ago then we (owners) would have saved a lot of $$ and heartache and CASA wouldn't be doing what they are now ???
  6. There are obviously some very knowledgeable people on here – and a lot have been involved in aviation a lot longer than I have – so – I have a question When Jabiru left the meeting with CASA, they (reportedly) said they “have a lot of work to do” So, how will Jabiru respond ?? Compile their own statistics in an attempt to prove their engines are reliable ? Release even bigger / stronger through bolts? Specify that only AVGAS is to be used with their engines ? (removes the variable of MOGAS) Release their own LCH Takes care of the overheating issue (even with student pilots) Removes the issues from variable fuel quality (aka Rotax don’t have issues with MOGAS) (seems there is a perfectly good splined drive at the back of every Jab engine – good to drive a water pump- unless you are already using it for vacuum) Authorise CAMIT mods – unlikely based on what others have already said. None of the above ?? I own a Jabiru and would love to see the engine reliability improved
  7. My apologies if the has already been posted (from Bundaberg News) " AFTER 40 engine failures in the past 12 months, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has proposed to limit operations on Jabiru powered aircraft. Under the consultation draft proposal CASA stated that all aircraft powered by engines manufactured by, or under licence from, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd should be limited to day flights under the visual flight rule, unless approved by CASA, prohibit the carriage of passengers, prohibit the use of Jabiru powered aircraft for solo operations by student pilots and restrict flying over populace areas. Jabiru production manager Jamie Cook said it disagreed with the draft proposal. "They're not grounding the aircraft or engine but they are severely limiting the use of the aircraft," he said. Mr Cook said CASA conducted a routine audit in July to ensure it was still complying with all the standards which it was. "Then two weeks ago CASA advised us that it required an urgent audit which we agreed to," he said. "Last week Jabiru was advised of this proposed instrument which it wanted Jabiru to self-impose and we disagreed and refused." A spokesman for CASA said it had spoken to Jabiru about what needed to be done to fix the problem. "While that process is being worked through we believe that we need to take steps to protect aviation safety," he said. "It is still a consultation draft and until we make a decision Jabiru can operate normally."
  8. Yes to flying with Glenn. I agree - re being an excellent instructor. I have learnt so much from him- Pud - as the wylie training are extends to Koorda, I have spend quite a bit of time flying around there - and landed at Koorda more than a couple of times as well. I really like that part of the world - especially for flying
  9. Training was at Wyalkatchem - and still flying from there
  10. Im currently flying from Wyalkatchem
  11. Hi Pud - Yes I did got to whitegum - last Sunday I hope westfly continues (past the commitment for next year) and grows. I enjoyed it
  12. I have been reading these forums for a while and thought it was about time I said Hi Im based in Perth, learnt to fly in a Jabiru 160 and then switched to a 230 once I started navs. Since passing nav/met about 6 months ago, I have been slowly expanding my destinations. (going further) Im enjoying the wealth of knowledge in these forums
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