Home Again
Hi All
It’s over, at least this trip.
I left Clarksville, Indiana at 8 am on July 3rd. The weather guessers said it would be clear below 6500 ft. WRONG!! About 45 minutes out the ceiling dropped to 6000 and thick haze. I did a 360 to check the visibility and turned back to Clarksville. I wasn’t about to fly low over tiger country mountains. I waited 2 hours hoping that it would clear. Called the weather guys and they said nothing had changed but they had one pilot report that the weather up there was closing. I told him I had made that report and he was the same one I talked to on the radio. I checked the southern route for weather, filed the flight plan and headed out at just before noon. The original flight was to be about 3 hours, this one ended up being 5 hours 10 minutes. I had to go around the south end of the mountains and then back northeast to Spartanburg. I landed a bit after 5 pm. It was the longest flight to date. I spent Monday morning cleaning 2500 miles of bugs off the windscreen. The cats finally forgave me on Tuesday.
To answer BlackRod about the choice of the Jabiru -- Last summer my wife and I decided to look into a light sport aircraft. She was unable to travel by car, van, RV or commercial aircraft due to health issues. We looked at many designs, Remos, Paradise, low wings and high wings, anything that might fit the bill. It had to carry 2 adults, a couple pieces of luggage AND have room for her collapsible wheelchair. The Remos was too small. I talked to the Paradise people and found they couldn’t/wouldn’t put in a 3rd door. Then we found the Jabiru 230SP. It was just what was needed. Could carry what we needed, a full fuel load AND it already had a third door behind the pilot’s door. I called the factory in Shelbyville, Tennessee. They sent a demo plane with a lady pilot, Katie, down for a demo flight. It fit very well. The bottom of the door sill was about an inch to high for the wife, but Jabiru was going to make a second trip down with different sized cushions and were going to measure for built in hand grabs for her. Everything was falling into place. Unfortunately, my wife passed away about 2 months before the plane was delivered.
I found her flight plan under her chair and the first part of it is now complete.
Next trip is coming up