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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Whew, that's a relief...
  2. I do not exclude myself - I scare myself after reading my own stuff. But I'm sure you can tell a typo from something like using their instead of there or they're. I shall correct my signature.
  3. The maximum ambient operating temperature is 38 degrees C. Page 54 in the POH. So flying in 42 degrees only supports my argument that people are NOT treating the planes and engines as they should. Facthunter - please do NOT take this personally and start rocking my roof or whatever. I am a nice guy despite what a very few may think.
  4. i_like_planes - Take a Bex and have a lie down. This forum is not the place to vent your spleen or post vitriolic comments. It is no wonder so many I know never come back here.
  5. I'm staggered at the quality of spelling and grammar I see on this forum, but hell, who cares? I posted a question rather than made a statement. Several LAME's have told me most Jabiru engines fail because they are abused or (as in the case of circlips) they are not put together properly. The best example of abuse is revving the guts out of a cold engine, during start up or after a long glide (practice forced landing) and usually done by students. I own a Jabiru and if the option to have a Rotax engine was there, I would have gone that way without hesitation. If my engine dies on the next flight, I will be very annoyed but I won't suddenly start raving on how Jabiru and their engines are utter crap. If I really believed that I would not fly in a plane with a Jabiru engine. Now, must eat... 73's VK5KKS
  6. Look after the engine better?
  7. I was at the bar the other night and heard three girls with an overabundance of flesh, talking at the bar. Their accent appeared to be Scottish, so I approached and asked, "Hello, are you three lassies from Scotland?" One of them screeched, "It's WALES, you bloody idiot!" So I apologized and replied, "I am so sorry. Are you three whales from Scotland?" And...that's the last thing I remember....
  8. Now I have that bloody song "Cows with Guns'" looping in my head. Good video.
  9. Hi. I use a car GPS as a backup for my navigation while flying. I enjoy using a map and compass and doing the times/speed/distance calculations as all good pilots should do. I consider it to be 'what flying is about'. However, my Garman Nuvi GPS in off road mode is just great. I enter my destination and way points and it draws a pink line joining them, as I fly a blue line shows my track and I can easily see if I am keeping to my intended track. After a flight I can load the resulting GPX file into Google Earth and display it as well as play it back.
  10. Very lucky day for whoever was in the car. I think the plane was a right off though. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/world/plane-on-fire-after-running-off-moscow-runway/story-fnd11ay0-1226545163549
  11. Solomon possesses what very few young people have these days - indomitable spirit and a desire to succeed in something good and worthwhile. So many people I know his age whose aspirations are to be 'a great cage fighter'. I take my hat off to him....
  12. Nope, woman pilot and co-pilot.
  13. More detail about this spamming, what is he doing that constitutes spamming? Forgive my ignorance, but I just need to know.
  14. You and I know that, but I'm not telling my brother
  15. I'm imagining a very calm flight followed by bacon and eggs and coffee. Now, that would be good.
  16. Thanks for posting that video. I sent it to my brother who is doing the family tree stuff and the research on Captain Harry Butler. This will probably keep him busy trying to establish a link between Harry and Cecil, if there is one. Going by the dates, Harry Butler died around the time this flight took place.
  17. I do not think so. Googling both reveals no connection between the two. I shall ask my brother who is up with all the history etc.
  18. Are you related to Harry Butler, aviator from the past who flew the Red Devil (a Bristol monoplane), located at Minlaton, South Australia? (Apparently there is a relative who owns a plane living in Loxton). If so, there is talk of building a flying replica of this plane and you may be interested. On the scary side, if you are related to Harry then you are related to me. A fellow from the USA is coming over to examine the Red Devil with a view of building his own flying replica back home. Apparently there are no flying replicas in existence. That has got the Minlaton folks interested in having our own flying replica. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.
  19. Yes - very true. I should try to use them more often myself.
  20. Most of the time it is the responses rather than the posts that cause concern. One of the main reasons being is that people create an image or scenario around a posting then get worked up over that. The other problem is that emails, texting and even radio lack body language, the emails and texting also lacking voice tone. These things are essential elements in communications and are lost with our modern technology. I never aim to annoy or hurt any fellow flyers (I need all the friends I can get) but may touch a nerve from time to time.
  21. With all those colours, you must have run out of bed sheets gairly quickly:crazy:. Welcome to the forum.
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