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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. There's a crater somewhere that's quite speco but for the life of me I cannot remember where...
  2. Getting lost is not an offence - if it was most of us would be guilty.
  3. Careful, the PC police will get you all!
  4. Watched the first video, good flying. Remember attitude then power when turning downwind. The second video would be nice to see. Visit http://users.adam.com.au/kleb/index.html to see some of my videos if you like.
  5. I have read and re read this but I still do not understand the last comment about the curvature of the runway. Where I fly, they are all pretty straight.
  6. Let's see the videos!!!
  7. PS: Why are people who are out for a bit of recreational flying be it GA, or RAA, getting around with 2, 3 and even 4 GPS's? I just don't get it. Maybe the areas of the brain that drive the desire to want to fly are the same areas that make some of us 'gadget geeks'. Similar to math nerds playing with Rubic cubes. Just a thought.
  8. Yep, what else? Be aware that the PCP (Political Correction Pigs) are watching.
  9. I flew through a dust devil at Parafield one summer many years ago. The poor old Tomahawk ended wings vertical at 200 feet after takeoff. Needless to say it scared me and the guys in the tower. I may be a woos these days but I never fly when it's hot and gusty as I don't want to break my Jab let alone my neck.
  10. If I balloon and the speed is low I just apply a little power while it settles, just a few hundred RPM.
  11. Mine is map and compass and watch with GPS as backup. Map and compass are not likely to fail and I believe map and compass is what real navigation skills are all about (including the time/speed/distance calculations etc). But, so much of my flying is over familiar territory I often just point the nose in the right direction and go, still with map available if things go crazy.
  12. Hells Bells Solomon - I wish you luck. Wear a crash helmet on your maiden flight!
  13. Hi. I ended up making a wooden stand that sits behind the seats in the Jabiru. My camera is a Contour HD. My Panasonic HD video was not too good for flying videos.
  14. The black area before the piano keys makes the runway look like it's floating, the black area appearing as shadow. One day I am going to make a lot of money by writing some software that takes video like this and removes the propeller effect. Probably already available in the top end video editing suites. Try mounting the camera back so you capture what's happening in the cockpit. You might like to look at http://users.adam.com.au/kleb/welcome.html scroll down for the links to some of my videos as an example. (The Gawler link is busted). Thanks for the upload, I enjoyed it.
  15. This is amusing. I tend to agree with this guy, now, off to get my stripes on ebay....
  16. Oh good. Thanks for the explanation. I was staring to think the few neurons I have left were giving up the ghost.
  17. I am having a hard time trying to nut out the comment "note mountain top engulfed in thick lightning filled with the 3 mins between photos.". Am I dim witted? Nice pictures.
  18. I'll let you know, if it happens!
  19. There's no e in awful.
  20. Do they have cameras running when they take passengers for a blast? That would make for some exciting video if they did.
  21. I prefer "large fuselage" with undersized landing gear and wings.
  22. Wasn't there a book called "Cat's Revenge" by Claud Balles?
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