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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Hi. I own a Jabiru J170 and share a hangar with one other aircraft. I now find a third aircraft has been jammed into the hangar built for two. It is impossible for me to move the aircraft by myself. Apart from being physically demanding the danger of hangar rash is great. Does anybody leave their aircraft outside and if so, what means do they use to protect it from the elements. If I leave mine out I can tie it down and perhaps cover it with some plastic sheet. That still doesn't protect it from scumbags that may come onto the airfield during the night. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. By the way, the Jab has only 70 hours on the clock - if I cannot find a suitable solution the aircraft will be up for sale.
  2. Well it wasn't hot enough for the pool, there was a great feed with plenty bagged up and brought home to my fridge. I scored some fancy chocolates in our 'lucky santa dip' so I shall lose weight devouring them....
  3. Yes, I like warm furry things wrapped around my face too...
  4. Right, I'm off to eat too much, drink a little and float about in a big swimming pool in the shade.....
  5. How much wind are the socks indicating? If they are just 'swinging in the breeze' then it probably doesn't mean much, go do a low level tight circuit. In your last sentence, there is no such word as 'theirs'. This should read 'there are'. 'There is' is abbreviated to there's. Example "There's a lack of common courtesy these days."
  6. 56kg!!! Hells bells, I bench press that.
  7. And too you...
  8. A true reflection on what the average Aussie is today (except us fliers)
  9. LOL!!! Having been personally involved with refugees I know this is so true. Perhaps somebody can explain why so many 'refugees' who settle in Australia claiming they will be killed if they are sent home, return to their homelands on numerous occasions to conduct business, attend weddings, funerals etc. Still, not having kids or grand kids, I don't have to worry about what language/religion the coming generations have.
  10. Right, all falls into place....
  11. Double Dutch to me. Talk maths or C++ programming :drool:and I might have a chance...
  12. Too much information:sweat:
  13. And the poor passengers were blissfully unaware of the danger they were in. It only takes one bad apple....
  14. A problem with aircraft that can land real slow is that the margin between wind over the wing and wind in general gets smaller so it can be easier to have the wing stall in turbulence and gusts if you are landing at minimum speed (in these aircraft).
  15. Okay, flaunting my ignorance here; Why would a yaw to the RIGHT cause the LEFT wing to drop? If the left wing stalled the nose would yaw left. I suspect a wind gust caught the pilot by surprise. There have been a few times I have found myself belting down the runway with my wing tip just off the ground, mainly why I won't fly in hot, gusty conditions (beer drinking conditions).
  16. One of my instructors at Parafield back in the early eighties was a girl (as in female). I guess she still is.
  17. My estimate is probably a bit high, but it is meant to cover all aspects of owning and maintaining your own aircraft, everything right down to the maps and oil.
  18. J170 Owner

    Imported Item

    He has four beavers already!
  19. Did we do the same GPS course? How come you know these things? I'm the clever techno-babble person here. I have just worked out why some data I have wouldn't line up with some other data collected at the same time. One was referenced to UTC and the other to GPS. (I have that headset in my car)
  20. I own a Garmin Nuvi GPS that is just fine in off-road mode when flying. I'm curious, is the clock in a GPS updated to GPS time when it receives a signal? Are you aware that GPS time is currently ahead of UTC by some 13 seconds?
  21. Yea, very funny. Now, can I have my bus back!
  22. Actually, the golfer was not a pilot. As I understand it, he was late for his flight, drunk and ran up to the plane waving madly and then all hell broke loose (including his arm)...
  23. Sad, so sad...
  24. I'm afraid all this oil techo mumbo-jumbo is a turnoff for those who just want to fly as recreational pilots. I know "oils aint oils" but hells bells..... (Scroll bar still not working)
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