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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. So, $3.56 a week is a bit much? I think it's a fair charge.
  2. So, $3.56 a week is a bit much? I think it's a fair charge.
  3. I had a great time in Townsville when I was there, party hard and all that, trouble is, it was 1977 and I was younger and sillier.....
  4. I Googled the music but as yet cannot find a sight that will let me play it. Pete, I went for a flight in the Savannah to Truro Flats, as passenger, for the toy run. Most impressed, coming in on zero-three over the trees was easy, in the Jab, I'm sure I would run out of runway. Maybe you should give me top dollar for my plane and I'll go get a new Savanna.
  5. Cool. Should have stayed overnight for some beers round a camp fire.
  6. I flew my brand new Jabiru J170 from Bundaberg in Queensland to Gawler, SA. Took two days with a stay in Bourke. This link http://users.adam.com.au/kleb/welcome.html will tell you more. I am so glad I had a co-pilot because I got very tired and unlike a car one cannot just pull over for a quick nap. The weather Gods were very kind although tail winds would have been better.
  7. There is actually nothing to indicate the problem was a result of being on a plane or am I missing something here? It could well have happened while the owner was home on the dunny, would we then say "hey, don't take your phone into the dunny lest it burst into flames".
  8. Where is NC?
  9. Thanks for the pictures and videos, they were good. I was going to take part in the days activities but the family gathering took priority.
  10. Well, I vaccumed, cleaned the bathroom, did some washing. Ducked down the shops, had a quick bite, oh, then went out to Gawler and took the Jabiru for a quick blast around the circuit, then sat and talked aeroplanes for a hour or so. Came home home via the supermarket, had some tea, now working on some mind-numbing algorithms for image processing until either somebody rings and says 'let's go to a pub and act half our age' or something on TV takes my fancy. I think you had more fun than me.
  11. Here's one "magnifying glass' so we can read the text - the font is so small!!!
  12. Seems to be a lot of physics experts on this forum!
  13. When the angle of attack exceeds the angle for maximum lift?
  14. Hi, I'm curious as to how many aviators are also Ham Radio (Amateur Radio) operators. Twenty five years ago I worked a few two metre repeaters while 'aeronautical mobile', it was good fun, amazing coverage when flying at 9500 feet. I'm not real active on the ham bands these days because Amateur Radio has degenerated into CB over the last ten or twenty years but never the less I am curious as to who else may be radio heads. My callsign is VK5KKS. I'm thinking I might trail a wire behind my plane and work some HF next time I am flying out in the sticks, maybe 21Mhz or 28Mhz as the wire would be quite short. Your thoughts...
  15. Do to them what you would do to your own...
  16. I own a J170 factory built. Fixed costs are insurance $2500 pa (more if you have less hours than me), hangar fees $1300pa, rego $130 pa, RAAus$160 , club membership $310. That's $4400 for fixed costs, assuming I have left nothing out. Flying at 16 litres an hour is about $30 including oil. So if you fly an hour a week, expect about $115 a week flying costs (fixed plus variable costs). Rough I know but gives you an idea. This of course does NOT include maintainence or repairs etc. Set up a spreadsheet and have a play, I did (but cannot find it!).
  17. Too true, too bloody true....
  18. Have you looked at http://tasker.dinglisch.net/
  19. Thanks for your post. I wanted to get down there myself but other things stopped that.
  20. HA! HA! HA! What's sad is that people will start emailing me with this thinking it's true.
  21. Nice video. I used the 'Ken Burns effect' with photos (did it at TAFE) but now I have to run off and try it on some of my videos. Cheers....
  22. Yea, I remember that day, back in the seventies, I was on my 650 Bonnie, great day for a ride....
  23. J170 Owner

    Imported Item

    Why the most views here? Must be the roller skates.....
  24. Congratulations. My first navex was pretty easy but I was still 5 miles out after 100. That was 30 years ago. These days I still use the map and compass but must admit, the GPS gets used more!
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