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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Cool as.... I love the comment the guy makes about wishing he was flying a Jabiru....
  2. Looks like my x-wind takeoffs when I was a beginner......
  3. I love it - it's a laugh riot!!!
  4. Get her a laptop.
  5. It won't be long before pilotless planes are flying about, being controlled from the ground (by Indians?). I know (working in the field) that there are several designs on the drawing board and I was there when the GlobalHawk landed at Edinburgh a few years ago.
  6. Where are you, what is your native language?
  7. Gee, he probably never spilled any of his beer with that landing!
  8. Cool. What was the camera? I use a Contour HD myself. Kevin
  9. I'm harmless, mostly....
  10. Stay single, stay rich....
  11. I used to jump at Batchelor, just south of Darwin. You would not see me go out under 1500 feet unless the plane was on fire...
  12. Probably couldn't stop with all those people on board. Sometimes they cram a lot of folks into those planes
  13. Is it true that QANTAS is looking to employ pilots and crew from India? Looks like our airline industry is going the way of the taxi industry!!! Catch a plane to Melbourne and end up in Brisbane.
  14. Human nature at its best. Everybody likes to speculate, provide suggestions, critisize. What would be nice if the pilots who were at the controls posted their comments instead. There have been a few incidents over the last year that we still do not know what happened apart from the rubbish we read in the media.
  15. You can get a rough idea of x-wind by how much drift you apply on final. I figure if I'm not flying sideways, I'm good...
  16. Guilty as charged. I have had a new J170 since October 2009 and only done 60 hours! Just don't get enthused like I used to. Doing a three hour navex with BBQ today, my re-ignite the spark...
  17. My willy is big enough...
  18. Wait until it's hot! Like flying in a washing machine - but you'll get used to it.
  19. Silly me, I should have used a CRC before sending....
  20. Being a REAL programmer (C, C++) I have a good knowledge of binary, octal and hexadecimal counting systems. Assembly language was (and still is) fun. But I got into all this in the early 80s because I could see electronics (I started life as a radio/TV tech) was turning to rubbish as the throw away junk started showing up. My first 'computer' was a home made thing you programmed via a hex keypad and used a 6805 processor. They were the days when men were made of steel and ships of wood and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri. Oh, and I loved valves - my first homemade amplifier was a valve amp, massive 3 watts per channel (two 6bm8s and a 6x4).
  21. Hmmm - I'm a little slow here.....
  22. Hinch is still a wanker.
  23. I've mentioned it before in this forum, if a big hairy huntsman spider starts running around in my car I just keep driving and ignore the bugger because one day it could happen in the plane. One cannot jam on brakes and dive out the door when flying. I would however, rather a mouse run across the dash than the spider!
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