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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. I had a good crawl through this plane at Oshkosh 1990. Great video from the inside!
  2. Howdy. Make sure you get that connector on the plane so you can jump start without taking off the cowling, just in case of a flat battery. Personally I would prefer a strobe light, although the cost is a rip off. TCAS will only work with folks that have it (how many do) and if you are tangling with jets then you're probably where you shouldn't be. Cheers and beers Kevin
  3. Yes! There's a video that makes one feel they are there with you. What camera did you use? it has excellent 'resiliance' to vibration. My Panasonic is rubbish so I now use a Contour HD. I especially liked the landing.
  4. I am accused of being a 'stick waggler. The Jab uses a system like a throttle cable for the ailerons and there is some 'slack' that needs to be taken up when controlling the plane. certainly feels different to planes with control rods or the good old cables and pulleys. Thanks for your comment.
  5. Hello, paragraph 1.2 (a) refers to section 101.28 and (b) refers to 101.55 but does not (as far as I can see) explain where/what these are. I would imagine that a well written document does not have the reader needing to refer to other documents. So, am I as stupid as I feel or is the document written by a fool? What is 101.28 and 101.55? (I know the instant I post this, the answer will become blazingly obvious to me, however, I shall continue regardless)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8K6Ox_tt5s should take you to my latest video (only video to date) on YouTube. I hope you find it enjoyable.
  7. This is a math problem, not physics. Calculus and the subject of limits. The kind of stuff that drove me to drink....
  8. Nice. Did you think of trying the old 'out of gas' trick at any stage? Silly me.
  9. My eyes are watering at the thought.....
  10. What would YOU do if while driving down the road a huge hairy huntsman comes out of no where and starts running around inside the car? Most people I know literally panic, jam on the breaks and try to smash the spider with the street directory. Today, while driving into work, a huntsman the size of a cat charged across the dash and up the passenger window like it was on fire. Then up across the roof, over my head and down my window back onto the dash. I just kept driving as if it were nothing. I don't have a real fear of spiders so I may be in a better position than some but the way I have seen some people react, I sometimes wonder what they would do if it happened while they were flying a plane. Food for thought?
  11. Well, what can I say? Far Out Brussell Sprout!!!!
  12. So, has anybody received their kits yet? I have asked for mine, maybe six weeks ago, no response, not even a squeak. The one J170 I have seen with the upgrade has suffered a tail strike during a flapless approach and I hear this has happened to other J170s. Any news would be nice. Actually a recall of the upgrade would be terrific! Happy landings.....
  13. Cool bananas! Flying into gawler on a Wednesday or Saturday is your best bet to mingle with a crowd with coffee or coke etc. Rowland flat can be fun. Truro Flats is a good stop as well.
  14. Ha Ha Ha - I do that. And keep looking at the weather, clouds, wind etc. Silly.
  15. You should try 250kts at 1500 feet, that is pretty scary! I often throttle back to 70kts with half flaps when I cruise along the Murray a 1000 feet in the Jab. Apart from the odd pelican scare, it's pretty nice flying....
  16. NEVER EVER EVER NEVER PAY UP FRONT for ANY flying training!
  17. Join Defence, without two million acronyms they would die.
  18. Oh please, don't tell me somebody thinks this is real!
  19. Look carefully at the extreme left of the photo - winglet? Being a 19 rego it looks like a J170 home built.
  20. Where's Watts bridge? Google Earth has no idea.
  21. Jim, can you post some info here?
  22. Several questions.... Is the club at the Broken Hill Airport? Will I need a security card if I visit the club? If NOT at the main airport, what are the lat/lon coords of the strip? I may seem stupid for asking but I cannot seem to locate the answers elsewhere.... Kevin
  23. J170 Owner

    170 replacing 160?

    Comment #4 - How was the J170 found to be dangerous? I know they float on landing, and any runway under 500 meters makes me nervous. Handling quirks? Seems I'm in the dark here. Perhaps the mods that have just come out address these very things. By hot I mean mid thirties, although, being a woose, I don't fly when it's rough as guts or blowing like crazy.
  24. J170 Owner

    170 replacing 160?

    Yep. The J170 has a bigger wing and tail. It floats on landing where the J160 tends to settle a little quicker. The J170 seems to be a bit more sluggish when rolling into the turns. I think the J170 is better in the hot weather and less 'frisky' in turbulence. Others might have different opinions. I bought a J170 and so far have no regrets. Later J170s will have the handling mods done so will be (hopefully) even better at handling than they currently are.
  25. Your instructor should be able to give you that information. However, a flight computer (wizz wheel), scale rules for WAC and VNC and protractor are the basics. Don't waste money on a aviation gps - they are over priced and not essential. I use a garmin nuvi gps in off-road mode for my flying (as a backup), overlaying the track on google earth when I get home, looks great.
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