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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Perhaps (here we go, being sexist again) flying is just more of a 'blokey' thing? A bit like (say) riding a Harley. One of my instructors in the early 80s was a woman (still is I guess) and when I got into flying the Jabs, one of my instructors was (and still is) a woman. We could ask the question "Why is quilting a female dominated past time?" Some things are 'girly' and some 'blokey'. All the political correctness goons in the world cannot argue with that.
  2. I wonder if a Defence Security card would be okay, afterall, that is only issed after a crim/security/anal check is carried out. Must investigate this.
  3. Peter - which side of the gates were you on. As far as I'm aware I can land anywhere without a card, get fuel etc. but once I go through the gates I may not get back to my plane without the card. So, like Broken Hill, land, fuel up and nick off. Correct me if I'm wrong....
  4. The poll should include "I don't have one and rarely needed to". They are a joke (money spinner). There are better ways to manage security.
  5. That is asking a lot I tell you! I'd say they are fishing for the best but I'd also say the degree and pilot licence would get you in. The other stuff would be learnt on the job. My current job advertised in a similar way and half of what they asked for NOBODY had but I had more than the others and got in. Learning the software (MATHCAD, Matlab, Freecell etc.) was just something I did as I settled in. I wonder what they are offering in re wages. Bundaberg seemed a loverly place when I was there.
  6. Wasn't me!
  7. Cool bananas... Your first nav, then first passenger will be exciting as well, but not as much as that first solo...
  8. I made a camera mount that clamps to the beam running just behind the pilot and passenger heads. (In my Jabiru J170) The camera hangs upside down but Windows Movie maker can flip the video. It works well showing the view out the window and most of the dash. Easy enough to make a bracket where the camera is not upside down. When viewing the video after flying, I find myself picking out the 'poor' aspects of my flying like too fast/slow on climbout or finals etc. Great stuff. Something to watch when I'm too old to do anything exciting. I don't bother too much about audio because I can add comments etc during the editing stage.
  9. I use a Garmin Nuvi 255w. It has off road mode and a reasonably large screen. I can put in a destination and waypoints and then see my track against the planned track as I fly. Nothing fancy, speed is in kilometers but no big deal. It works a treat and was about $350 then, probably heaps cheaper now.
  10. Hi. I bought a brand new J170 in October and flew int back to Gawler, South Australia (see kleb - welcome ) for info. I have no regrets and my bank balance is still increasing!
  11. My new Jabiru J170 ($80,000) cost me $2500 to FULLY insure. I have 200 hours as a private pilot and that makes a difference. If I wreck my plane, my passenger or a house/horse/car on the ground, I'm covered. For a million or two if I remember correctly. Next years insurance bill should be less if I make no claims.
  12. It's not so much 'pulling the stick back' it's more like 'keeping back pressure on' during the landing roll. The nose will settle as speed reduces. I found I was all over the place until I kept a little back pressure on the stick (as per instructor intructions). Same for take offs. Make sure you're not touching down too fast.
  13. Friday 30th Oct 09. Coming in for a landing, zero five Gawler I'm sure I saw a plane on the new northern expressway. Was I hallucinating? Just for the record, I was flying MY new J170. man that felt good...
  14. Click on 'weather' on the left of this page, at the bottom of the listing.
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