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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Stop creating scenarios that get you all worked up...
  2. I'm waiting for the nut cases to start the conspiracy theories over the awful school shooting just over a week ago. Government mind control gone wrong? Cyborg escapes research facility? There are people who for some strange reason must start these stories to satisfy some pathetic need in their aimless lives. (I might add this posting is no way intended to insult anybody posting to this forum)
  3. He still needs a slap. He's a muppet.
  4. Seatbelts on planes are pointless, says Ryanair boss So this dick head thinks seat belts do nothing during turbulence? Some folks need a good slap...
  5. Long sigh....
  6. The aircraft will pivot or rotate about the CG.
  7. Excellent!
  8. [That is probably only because you wore satin pyjamas, goats are slippery enough to ride without making it hard for yourself!] I suppose riding the goats was okay, as long as there was no kissing?
  9. First one looked like he was too eager to get on the ground but hell, who am I to comment, not had the experience myself.
  10. Years ago I watched a video on how graders use laser beams, GPS and white man magic to grade roads, runways etc to within tens of millimeter accuracy. Fascinating stuff. Farmers use the same technology when working their fields.
  11. I think at the time the photo was taken, Brissy was being bashed by storms....
  12. I believe the universe is teaming with life, including intelligent life. Believing they are coming here to diddle our cows and scare hill-billies on lonely country roads is another matter. Aliens, like us are trapped by space and time. I have been involved with 'work' that has from time to time popped up in the media as UFO sightings etc. We (at work) get a great kick out of that. I have seen stuff that would make your jaw drop, but I am not telling......
  13. Good heavens, I've coughed up things that are more 'alien' than that rubbish.
  14. thanks.
  15. I don't even know what a stab is (sigh...)
  16. Talk to Karl, see what he has to say.
  17. Yes, Darryl and I stopped for fuel, coffee and donuts. Spent about an hour there and no ASIC. Didn't seem to have any need as the gates were not locked. The ASIC is a complete joke, but I won't go into the details...
  18. In the old days I used the NDB but when I flew back from Bundy via Broken Hill in my Jab, I just used a GPS. I figured if that failed, just follow the ranges down. Going via Renmark might seem a long way but it only adds about 20 minutes flying time (ignoring anytime on the ground at Renmark) 210nm Gawler to Broken Hill, 235nm via Renmark. Between Morgan and BH it is pretty remote and barren, littered with the bleached white bones of aviators who were not prepared.
  19. Hello. Lurking is okay until you start with the black boot polish and black jumpsuit. I see you are more than a days drive from here (Gawler, South Australia) however, might call in for a beer or whatever...
  20. OMG - they are Chemtrails!!! The Government conspiracy to depopulate the planet by spraying poisons from all the airplanes. Well, that's what a bunch of nutters with sheep's brains actually believe.
  21. Good for you! I am in danger of being made redundant within a year and so will be looking at things I can do to keep my sanity and feel worthwhile, that would be something I shall consider.
  22. Good God - you'll scare the willies out of the newbies talking like that! Yes, these things may happen but it is natures way of keeping the rest of us safer.
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