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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. A true statement, body language and voice 'inflections' contribute about 80% of the meaning of what we say. I can tell a mate to get stuffed without offending him because he hears the tone and sees the smile. I tell somebody that via this forum and could possible end up with a horses head in my bed.
  2. Just to be pedantic - 70 knots is 129.64kph not 146 as you stated in your original post (kph = knots * 1.852). So, what happens at Sherlock? Remember to call into Gawler for a coffee on a Saturday sometime, less than an hour away as we are great bunch and treat everybody as equals,
  3. Nope. And I do not think it should be treated casually. What I could have said but didn't because I don't want total strangers throwing their shoes at me, is 1) improve your spelling and 2) Only a fool would deliberately fly into cloud and a bigger fool post it on this forum. However, I have decided to limit my posting and (hopefully) not lose any friends. Oh, by the way, we are all going mad in SA because somebody stole all the water from the Murray and left us with the dregs.
  4. You flew threw cloud (through cloud)? Has somebody changed the rules or am I missing something here? Anyway, sounds like it was an exciting time, any photos?
  5. So, what caused the rough running? Nice video.
  6. Now, owning a plane is not all bells and whistles. You worry about hangar rash, hail, gales, vandals and God knows what else. I think it's like having daughters - you start to feel you need to be hanging about protecting your treasure 24/7... Then again, I'm probably just being silly.
  7. Ain't that the truth!
  8. Don't forget to HASEL checks when doing stalls, don't forget circuit entry, don't forget downwind checks, don't... oh hell, you'll be right.
  9. I wonder how this special lens works.
  10. The transitions from scene to scene take too long but otherwise, great videos.
  11. Makes you think about ones mortality, however, my close calls have been where idiots do not bother looking when merging into traffic travelling at 110kph. That's what we get by letting just anybody breed.
  12. It was a Savannah, but I could not see the call sign.
  13. My thoughts - be on the side that is winning.
  14. -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.. . ...- -.- ..... -.- -.- ... (now I have given out my callsign....)
  15. Starts in games, ends in tears....
  16. I worked part time Saturday mornings in a TV repair shop before getting my apprenticeship as a Radio Tradesman. The fellow there was a 'valve jockey'. He basically changed everything until the TV or whatever worked properly. The strobe box had a dicky diode (D2) and MOSFET (IRF644). The strobe light however only fires occasionally (in the plane) and I suspect water as it is certainly evident around the base of the flasher housing, perhaps that is what killed the thing in the first place? The box itself is ticking over like a pace maker on steroids. I left the thing running in my workshop for a few hours. The oil cooler must be doing a good job because nothing gets hot, if you stick your fingers on the trigger wire, you can do aerobatics without a plane. Just for the record, there are now high intensity LED flashers available so that might be an option down the track.
  17. What would be cool is a map of Australia with a dot to represent the location of each member. Having said that it would probably be easier to get blood out of a stone...
  18. Thank God by serial number is not there. Started to feel like the draft had returned...
  19. bonjour comment allez-vous? Flying upside down is okay, but it does make it messy when you open a can of beer during a long hot flight. I trust you have built a guest room on your house so your flying buddies from Australia can come and stay. We have a FK9 at our club (Gawler, South Australia) and it is a very nice plane indeed. I reckon you should just buy a plane, that way you can start flying immediately rather than spend years building....
  20. Bad enough not to abort when he had the chance, but to fly into the trees without killing the engine, fuel and electrics is beyond me. Considering the state of the plane it is a wonder they all didn't end up shredded to bits.
  21. Oh wow! I was there and had a good look over it. I noticed a switch on the dash labelled 'ejector seat'. That is a very well finished plane, sun visors and hub caps as were nice. Karl says it flew just great, climbed like a rocket. You have done a good job.
  22. At my high school it was common to see teachers drag kids naked and screaming onto the oval and beat them on the kidneys with big tree branches until they passed blood.
  23. What's sex?
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