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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. The 'New Age Clowns' were those folks in the mid 1980s who, fresh out of Uni decided to dumb down education. A dumbed down education system made everybody appear to be doing well, even the dumbest of the dumb gets through. This in turn made the teachers appear to be great at their jobs and the schools were considered the place to send your kids. The reality is that we now have people who cannot spell correctly and have poor math skills. Even Matric (year 12) can be a joke with kids doing rubbish subjects and leaving the Maths, English and Science alone. The older teachers who opposed the dumbing down were driven out of the system, my (ex) girlfriend being one of them. Males were especially targeted as they tended to hold on to the traditional ways. I could ramble on and on but, I'm hungry and need to eat.
  2. I disagree. It's the 'new age' clowns that pushed those folks to one side and brought in their social experiments. Both NASA and JPL lamented the fact that the education system is not turning out the folks of the calibre churned out in the 50s, 60s and 70s. They said that twenty years ago. I know folks who (apart from shocking spelling) cannot recite the times tables. They are not dumb, they were simply not taught it. There are people out there who have a lot to answer for. If I were King....
  3. Yep, but if you speak out you're a racist, homophobic or a pedo, even if you speak out against rising electrcity rates! Vote ME in as your benevolent dictator and see how things change. Yes, you may fear me, but you WILL be happy.
  4. Don't use kilometers. Use nautical miles because that is what aviators use. You will quickly get used to it.
  5. Adelaide Soaring Club. Just for the record folks Thier is actually spelled as their.
  6. If I sit in a plane (Jabiru) for more than about 90 minutes you have to get me out with a shoe horn.
  7. My Jabiru costs about $80 a week just sitting in the hangar. But, it is great to be able to fly when and where I want and do over nighters etc. as previously mentioned.
  8. I'm sorry I posted this king thread....
  9. I think after 35 years as an electronics technician I could determine that the board was at fault.
  10. Hello young man. The strobe is not a mandatory item so I can fly without it. Over $100 for a new box so I shall give fixing it my best shot. I'll ring Jacar tomorrow to see if they stock some bits I suspect are dead.
  11. Hello. My strobe has failed. The fault is in the control box, not the light. Pulling the box apart and a quick check with the multimeter shows the fuse link on the PCB is open circuit. Without a circuit diagram it is tricky to fault find. All the semiconductors measure as expected but that's no guarantee they're all good. So, anybody got a circuit for a "Single magnum SMART STROBE made by Kuntzleman Electronics"? Standard unit fitted to the Jabiru J170C Thanks. PS: I am an electronics technician, I know what end of the soldering iron to grab!
  12. With the huge growth in tattoos and everybody wanting to look like a ganster or thug or bad-ass-bikie these days it will still be hard to pick you out. Having said that, two of my favorite sayings are "you cannot judge a book by its cover" and "there is often wisdom under a shabby cloak".
  13. No matter how many beers, whiskeys or ports, you will never make that look foxy....
  14. Well hells bells, you will have the best plane at the airfield.
  15. I reckon we might even find a few round here that can transmit morse, not only receive it! Facthunter perhaps?? Actually, it is easier to transmit morse than receive it. As a HAM radio operator I did morse years ago and could easily transmit ten words a minute but could only manage five words a minute on receive.
  16. Blame climate change and the dumbing down of education.
  17. Damm Jabiru engines.....
  18. Excellent! I get the food, booze and credit card, you, phone ahead and arrange the dancing girls...
  19. Can you give us a list of words we cannot use?
  20. If we get the long hot dry summer that has been suggested then move over, because I'll be heading your way Johann.
  21. Using my Garmin Nuvi to keep track of my track. I cannot justify spending big bucks on an aviation GPS when a car GPS for < $200 does one just fine. Used only as a backup to the map and compass.
  22. I just load my GPX file from the Garmin into Google Earth. Great way to see how well you maintain track on a nav etc. Curious, what were you flying?
  23. It gives me the shits to hear bagging of Jabiru engines, especially from folks who are not qualified or do not have the data to support their claims. I OWN a Jabiru and it has never missed a beat. I used to fly Warriors and have had 'scary incidents' with their engines coughing up blood. Keep flying, it is still safer than driving to the airstrip, and remember, an engine failure in itself is not the problem, it is the landing that follows. Just get that right and everything will be peachy-keen.
  24. Now, this is interesting. A lot of jab engine problems are caused because of misuse rather than being crappy engines. One of the misuses is continual running at low revs. I am not a mechanic nor do I try to pass myself off as knowledgeable in that area (although I have rebuilt a holden red motor and a Triumph 650 twin!). I cannot recall exactly what problems occur if you run the engines at too low a power setting for too long. There is a service bulletin that mentions this. So, having said that I wonder if the operators are doing the right thing or should they be looking at a different propeller or something?
  25. Excellent! The beers (or milky bars) are on you!
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