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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Bourke and Broken Hill are security controlled, however, you can land there, refuel and leave without an ASIC. This is because you do NOT have to cross the fence to access fuel. What makes me so mad, so very bloody mad is that Aussies have to go through this BS and yet some Ghandi who has been in the Country six months is likely to be the security guard who challenges you.
  2. So, if I land at Broken Hill, fill up my tanks and depart, I'm breaking the law?
  3. If the clowns in power were serious about security and terrorists they would be stopping the threat from its very obvious source, but we can't say that because the ignorant pull the racist card. Will an ASIC stop some home grown terrorist pig from blowing a bus to bits? Don't think so.
  4. I have not got one and will not get one.
  5. That chattering noise you may have heard was not the Jab, it was my teeth as I was freezing while standing in the hangar. Hope the 170 impressed you.
  6. I have had my toy two and a half years and still learn new stuff!
  7. There was a time when stalls, spins, wing overs etc. were fun but as I have grown older, my bravery has somewhat diminished (converted to fat?).
  8. Just remember, mental illness is 'all in the head'...
  9. Based on the last post, I know a hell of a lot of 'mental cases'.
  10. General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) as far as I am aware is not considered a 'mental disorder' as such unless it is severe enough that you may consider self harm. It is like a fear of spiders, or heights or closed in spaces.
  11. A friend heard noises in the wall of his study. On investigation he found mice had chewed through the wall and into his books! His very old books on engineering and calculus were converted to mice nests! Proves he hadn't read those books for many years.
  12. I use Google Chrome and had a similar problem. Only on this website so the problem had to be here.
  13. Hello Peter. I also fly out of Gawler. I own a Jab J170 but seem to spend more time at the clubhouse these days than in my plane. Yes, I would imagine flying a trike the last few days would have ones gibblets well and truly frozen.
  14. I still share with three planes but after doing a body building coarse I can shift the awkward one about without risking my gibblets or the planes.
  15. What a great story. It's such a pity we don't have people with his enthusiasm and determination working for us in Canberra. I feel I should send him a parachute.
  16. A few weeks back there was a story on the news about a Cessna that went missing. Pilot was an older fellow, I think in his seventies. There has been no news since, or I have blinked and missed it. Anybody know what the outcome was?
  17. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/national/light-plane-lands-on-freeway-in-bad-weather/story-e6frea8c-1226391385657 Should have been precautionary landing?
  18. I think I might take my plane to a few thousand feet, take up a heading, set climb attitude then pull the power and see just how much height I lose trying to 'turn back'. The way Jabiru engines have been performing lately I need to cover all bases.
  19. I think the article was poorly written, very unprofessional.
  20. Thanks - I have these 'memory things' every now and then. Scared stupid I'll turn up at work in nothing but my jocks.
  21. TTIS = total time in service but what does TSO mean?
  22. Well, I have just got back from the local strip, squeezed a circuit in between rain showers. I actually hate summer! It can be a dead calm day wind wise but thermals can make the poor Jab bounce around to the point one is convinced the wing bolts are going to let go at the next 'pot hole'. Nope, cool, calm days for this old fart thank you very much. (Plus it is easier to get warm in winter, some cheap port, cheap cheese, cheap girl and a big open fire!)
  23. Hey, what happened to "Ice Pilots" on TV. I was enjoying that!
  24. What worries me is that I am lead to believe this is the new QANTAS training school in action.
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