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J170 Owner

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Everything posted by J170 Owner

  1. Can we see the film? When my cousin built a Dragonfly, he didn't let anybody know when the maiden flight was occurring in case it was a disaster!
  2. Forrest, WA. That's is an interesting spot. Nothing there except two big bitumen runways. Why?
  3. So, it looks like his wings fell off so he bailed out?
  4. "Theres also a lot of hard to see drainage ditches alongside the runway. " Is there something wrong with me? I understand the meaning but it seems to me strange. Perhaps I am just too old these days?
  5. Is that 'wheel chockies'?
  6. What were they communicating with, subs?
  7. The answer to your first question is in the POH. My stall horn sounds when I gently suck (not blow) through the vent on the leading edge of my wing. (J170). P.S. Don't get caught sucking the wing as people may not understand:bounce:
  8. Oh wow! Okay, I'll try and be there although my days of early to rise have all but gone. Karl was out in the thing today doing circuits and then Sue had a go. It's no longer in my hangar (thank God) but lives in the Jab hangar. I was out doing circuits, my first flight in my plane since the mods. Not that much different to me. Make sure your stick you Contour camera in there somewhere so we can have a gander at the video. I always have a video camera running.
  9. Actually, 7385 had the problem. Of course it was done right! Not seen you for a while...
  10. Hi fellow Jab Heads. I recently did the JSB-029-1 J170 Handling upgrade on my Jabiru. Twice the rudder spring has popped off the chain attached to the rudder pedal since the mod. I have squeezed up the loop on the end of the springs to help prevent this happening again. When the spring has zero tension on it (the opposite pedal is fully depressed) the chain can move so that it falls off the spring. Anybody else experienced this? By the way, how much were YOU charged for the job and did Jabiru reimburse you?
  11. Personally I think flying at night in a single is madness. I've been in the back of a Duchess at night and it is black, I mean black down there. How the hell do you pick a paddock when you cannot see anything. Nope, night VFR is for mugs....
  12. Plane air or plain air, see what aviation is doing to us...
  13. Hmmm, I have not experienced this with my J170. Maybe I'm not trimming properly on finals?
  14. Or a Hobbit?
  15. What are you when hair starts growing out of your ears?
  16. Welcome aboard. You should find a heap of knowledgeable old timers here to assist you. Keep us informed of your progress....
  18. Why did they ground the aircraft? Did they stop all the ferris wheels turning?
  19. Hello. I own a J170, factory built. I like the jab because you can fill it up and go a long way before worrying about fuel. They also have 600kg max take-off weight. Plenty of room for shoulders in the cabin. I flew mine from Bundaberg to Gawler, SA in two days, two POB, full tanks and lots of water, food, rubbish. The plane handled just great, even in stiff cross winds at Chinchilla. The only thing I don't like is they float on landing, it wants to keep flying! It's that big wing.
  20. After reading the story, I can only call the pilot a dickhead.
  21. I remember a throttle friction nut on the Tomahawk. One would tighten it to stop the throttle setting creeping. Anyway, engine failure, first thing I do is move the throttle through its full range of motion, but I cannot remember if I was actually taught to do that or not.
  22. Yes, I have started the 'handling upgrade' and that ugly, ugly ventral fin goes on next week. About 1.5kilos up front needed to bring the CofG forward. Still find it amazing that I could fly with 2 POB and full tanks.
  23. The 'GF' won't get in 'that tiny thing'. She said much the same when I flew a Tobago around. Everything is 'tiny' to her, everything.
  24. Okay, now I am including the aircraft moment (after my senior's moment) my calculations are somewhat disturbing. Empty weight 320kg + Pilot 80kg + baggage 20kg + 80L fuel puts me behind the rear limit. Do the calculations for YOUR Jab J170 and see what you come up with. I flew my Jab back from Bundaberge with two POB, full tanks and at least 20kg of baggage in the back but the plane was just fine. This stuff never gave me grief before! The index units for my plane are 75500 or 75 on the chart. Prove me stupid, I dare you....
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