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Max Volume

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Everything posted by Max Volume

  1. Part 2; Day 2 - I get to ride with the ground crew for the last flight of one of the two F-16XLs extant...
  2. Mike Arnold with NASA at Edwards Air Force base pt1
  3. a short clip I found - no real punchline, but an interesting look at the AR-6 at that stage -
  4. German Experimental Aircraft of World War II #15 - Henschel and Horten report from a meeting on November 21-22, 1944... german high command to aircraft manufacturers -"give us every idea you've got"...
  5. Mike Arnold's AR-5 up close... a slideshow from stills I took when we delivered the world record breaking (officially 213.18 M.P.H.) AR-5 to the Hiller Air Museum in San Carlos, Ca. on April 9th 2001 (where it still resides-)
  6. My apologies to folks who already know this stuff...
  7. Mike Arnold visits Dennis Sanders and Dreadnought pt1;
  8. - canopy, exhaust stub and laminar flow are discussed - Alex visited Crockett in 1993 and this movie just never got made. Mike isn't here to edit it down so I left it largely unedited because I really don't know which part any one person might want to see - more to come! Please let me know how you like it in the comments...
  9. Thank you Red! I knew about cooling drag but not about exhaust heat. Mike never told me anything about it so I suspect he wasn't thinking about it. Here's part 1 of his visit with Alex Strojnik;
  10. Mike had to alter the shape of the exhaust to fit inside the cowling, so the engine wasn't even getting the stock 65 H.P.!!
  11. Mike and I talked a lot about this when he was writing this article in Sport Aviation. Sorry I had to borrow so much from our older movies - and everybody else - REMEMBER! - "Area Rule for supersonic - Arnold Rule for subsonic"
  12. Howdy, Folks! This is the first of my series on British fighters of the World War...
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