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Stuart Perkins

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    Super Drifter
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  1. Hey mate, how's it going ??? Well very reluctantly I have decided to sell my two amazing Super Drifter 912s, as you know I operated very successfully my tourist seaplane operation and after 10 years have decided to call it a day and am involved in another aviation project ( watch this space !!) I have one on full amphibious floats and the other on straight floats, both full lotus. The aircraft have been meticulously maintained and look new still. They have full service history and are in tip top shape and ready to find new homes, if any here is interested they can reach to me ( or you) for more details, I have attached a couple of pics below. The aircraft are currently in the Philippines and operate from fresh water only, no sea. I also have a 2017 Challenger and a P&M Quik 912s flexwing ! Cheers Stu
  2. Sorry to write to you on the back of tragic circumstances, going through the feeds you mentioned you liked the idea of a float equipped Drifter, im actually selling both of my trusted work horses ( look up Air Adventures Flying Club Bintan) you will see I'm not fake or a scammer. After flying  very successful seaplane tourist operations I have decided to call it a day and put them up for sale. Both are Super Drifters with 912UL engines, one is fully Amphibious and the other straight floats. meticulously maintained and look new, I ran a very tight ship, so the aircraft are in tip top condition. If interested you can ping me here, I have not officially listed them yet so thought id run it by you beforehand but I will be making them publicly available.  Cheers Stu ( British but based in the Philippines and operating Drifters for over 25 years ) 




    1. Litespeed


      Sounds great but not in the market at the moment, sadly I must admit 


      I hope you find a great buyer

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