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Everything posted by RegularPerson

  1. It'll be a while yet ... But don't tempt me :))
  2. Update --- Drum Roll I'm happy to report after meeting my Pilot neighbour that all's well with the world and good communication goes a long way. He showed me and my wife his meticulously cared for plane and his logs which gave us alot of confidence that he knows what he's doing and cares alot about safety for everyone. He's had decades of flight experience which I think, gives our family the best confidence that we're in safe hands. So, for any pilots with neighbours ... Please Please Please ... Communicate with them. We ended up laughing about the communication issues as we left. He's a great guy actually. So ... if I have offended any pilots out there, I apologise. I came from a place of keeping my family safe and not one of restricting peoples ability to enjoy their hobby. Thank You and Fly Safely Everyone Brian
  3. Apologies for offending any Pilots out there. I'm not bagging anyone and have never demeaned or used any language to label anyone. I've only made my feelings known and my concerns. I will do as you said and take this great advice. Thank You BrendAn for taking the not insubstantial effort to reply to me and offer excellent advice. I want to thank everyone on this forum and you all have given me a lot of great ideas to work with. Some of you played the devils advocate which is great because group think can be a dangerous thing. The insights/support here has been amazing and something recreational pilots should be proud of. The fact so little accidents occur despite the number of flying aircraft really shows the quality of the Australian Private Aircraft training.. I hope this thread can be of help to people in the future. Over and Out .... Brian
  4. Hi Pilots ... One last question Do pilot training schools teach and demonstrate stall recovery at 150 ft or similar height ??? ... I know it's probably way too dangerous to do, but maybe under controlled conditions or in a simulator ??? I just want to know so if it does happen most pilots can handle the situation and have a safe landing or recovery. Thanks in Advance everyone
  5. Thank YOU ... I totally concur and agree 100000%
  6. When he takes off, he is definitely not at 4-500 ft. He's more like 200 ft because I can see him just clear the creek trees by about 10-20m which are 180 meters after (he clears the house first, then the trees next) the house. The creek trees are approximately 30m - 50m tall depending on the tree.
  7. I think about their safety first and foremost especially in the car. Always seatbelted and Always at the back.
  8. Hi fact, As I said before, the entry is very narrow. On one side is power lines plus trees. The other all trees. I don't want him doing manoeuvres he's not confident in performing because it will increase the chances of a problem. IMHO, if they can get the last line of power lines to their home buried underground, there is the high likelyhood he can land and depart in the opposite direction. The other side is open paddocks and homes are quit far away. It's a bonus should anything happen during take off, there are plenty of paddocks to choose for landing. On my property, you'll be heading straight into the creek with large trees lining both sides, that is if you actually clear the house.
  9. I'll be meeting him tomorrow, so looking forward to it. I'm hopeful we can find a way to resolve it so both of us come out happy and most of all safe for all of us. I'm glad you can speak for him for being a very good pilot which gives me confidence that my family will be okay. Will let you know how it goes 👍 Btw, meteorological wind speeds are not representative due to the funneling effect up here. Down in the town it's calm, but up here it's wild.
  10. Hey Clinton, I don't at all wish for animosity. I'm a very reasonable person open to compromise. But ... It looks to me so far, they may not be willing from the indications thus far. I know as you all are pilots who may back each other up, so me coming here as a non pilot have been surprised by the support and advice. For that I'm grateful. Thank you good Pilots 🙏
  11. Thanks for the valuable advice and insight. We bought the land in 2015 (lease the land for 6 years) and finished building in 2021 when we moved in. They moved in beginning 2024 from memory or slightly earlier. I get along with all surrounding neighbours and know them all. You're right, it's a moral ethical issue rather than a legal one. I hope if he does give up the hobby rather than keep flying low to my children's bedrooms, but who knows. Perhaps he might have a change of heart and find compassion and think about the children to create a new landing strip 😁 Again, thanks for the supportive words and it's appreciated 👍
  12. When we wrote the message on Saturday, we didn't know they owned the plane and that if it was their friend, not to do that. They have been there a year and we have never seen the plane until now, nevermind having even met them yet.
  13. "Not unreasonable but possibly unaware of his legal limitations & the rights of his pilot neighbour.😈" Hence, why I'm here that perhaps pilots can inform me better.
  14. Yes, me and you the same. I'm just as surprised as anybody would be. First time I saw it I ran out the door incase they needed help because it might have been an emergency landing ... Then I see the neighbour come out and cordially chat to the pilot I realised it wasn't an emergency landing, but perhaps their Pilot friend dropped by. Then we wrote them a polite message on Saturday I think to say we have safety concerns and not to fly over our home but keep at 500ft. It was only yesterday that they wrote my wife a message that they indeed own the plane and will continue flying that way.... Like WTF
  15. I'm an electrical engineer and during my teens, was a flight simulator enthusiast. My favourite simulator was F16 Falcon Gold because it is the closest sim to the real thing since the developers created it by flying in a REAL F16 Falcon. I also have a Masters Degree in Secondary Education (Mathematics) and have worked in industry as a Quality Assurance Engineer and created systems compliant to ISO 9000. I can assure you ... I'm DEAD serious about my plight and being upset is an understatement.
  16. " you do not require Council approval to land/take-off from your private property or give permission for another to do so." Yes ... This is the contentious issue. It's a grey area which, unfortunately, I'm in via no fault of my own making. I ,personally if I was a pilot, would NEVER EVER fly over someones home at 150ft especially without asking any permission or notification to do so, then when they complain, write a message that it's within my right. Not only do I find it rude, it's downright WRONG.
  17. I wish you were my Pilot neighbour ... Props (pun intended) to the pilots doing the polite/right thing.
  18. I'm not against him flying ... I just don't want him landing and taking off 150ft above my childrens bedrooms where my children play 90% of the day. I also forgot to add, that if fuel ignites within their bedrooms, they may survive the crash, but get burned alive in the fire as has happened in the past. They never contacted us or informed us about their intention to fly over our home. They just did it and neither me nor my wife have ever met them prior, however they do have my contact number which, I presume, the previous owner had given it to them a year ago because they have sent me a message about opening closing gates.
  19. I'm not going to the shire to call him out on it. I just want everything done above board and SAFE. If an accident occurs (knock on wood it doesn't) ... It's too late to say ... Oh this and that wasn't complied with, or this and that isn't to regulation ... etc. Hindsight is 20/20 ... I'd rather take every caution now before the holes in the swiss cheese line up because I was being lackadaisical and now my kids are dead.
  20. Agreed ... Rotax are Great engines. Simple, elegant and lightweight for their output. As someone who has hands on interest in engines, I've got zero qualms about it. If it were a Subura WRX engine modified for aircraft ... That's another story.
  21. Yeah, I'm praying he does that to the letter and not just fill his maintenance log book when registration time rolls around. Thanks for the info T510.
  22. Yeah, I was hoping it would be a branded plane like a Cessna which have strict manufacturers maintenance schedules. Kit planes, depending on the discipline and thoroughness of the owner, could be hit or miss whether components get inspected and changed out. So it's not the design of the plane but the maintenance which could be a worry. By the way ... winds right now are 80-100kmh ... Hope he's not planning on taking off ... LOL
  23. Just for more context ... The Aircraft is an experimental 2005 Kit Fox 7 powered by a gasoline Rotax Bombardier ... Seems to just get better and better ... LOL
  24. Thanks Skippy ... Just in the process of the council getting back to me about the rules, regulations and development regarding a private landing strip and whether it is allowed or not. Just want to be informed when we meet the neighbours tomorrow. Will let everyone know how it turns out. Hopefully its a win win for everyone.
  25. Do you think the changes to wind speed can be a dangerous if passing over a home at 150ft ??? .... What I'm getting at, is if the wind causes a stall 150ft, can a pilot save a plane as it's stalling into the home?
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