Hi Pud,
the pre war Funks had inverted 4 cyl Ford car engines fitted with Al/alloy heads and variable ignition which gave them about 55hp at 2400 rpm. The planes were OK, albeit a little slow on T/O. Pioneer Airfield, at OSHKOSH, has one of these in perfect condition on display. WW2 came along and Funk brothers were involved in making parts for WACO gliders and other planes.The Funk brothers did make a few planes on the quiet, during these years but as it was wartime, no details are available. !946 saw the boom time for light aircraft and Funk brothers sold about 370 planes in '46 and '47. Most were fitted with war surplus Continental C85, Lycoming O145 and the rarer Franklin 4A4 90 hp engine. Funk sold only 22 airplanes in '48. You could buy a Funk in '48 for $1500 that would have cost $3995 a year before! Funks were for sale in car yards in 1948, "make me an offer!" My bird is #335, built in Sep 46.
I was born in Mar 46
The Funk brothers went into making implements for Ferguson and Ford tractors until they sold out to John Deere in the 70s. The factory building is still in Coffeyville Kansas; the last of the Funk brothers, Joe, died in Coffeyville in 2003
I made a rubber powered model Funk in 1958 when i was 12 years old, and have loved the bird ever since. Imagine my joy when I found one on barnstormers.com in Tennessese owned by an old enthusiast who had it for 20 years. I bought it online and travelled to TN and flew it down to Alabama to a private field, pulled the wings off and put it in a box and sent it to Fremantle.
I put it on the RAA register in 2008, flew it fo a few hours with the C85 and decided that it needed a Rotec radial. I flew the Funk with the R2800 2 weeks ago and it is a perfect fit. Just for interest, the Funk brothers tried a 45 hp Szcekely radial in their plane in 1936, but was underpowered so they went for the Ford B model engine.
Any queries most welcome;