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Everything posted by DAVID SEE

  1. If you’re looking for a reasonably priced 95-10 how about a ‘resurgem’ powered with the four cylinder 2stroke radial, take off and land 25kt cruise 50kt tricycle undercarriage Hyde. disc brakes, wet wings, trim and electric start $4,500ono. It’s sitting in my hangar, I’m now to heavy for it but am still flying the Lightwing. Also have a 447 sitting all wrapped up to keep the hornets out
  2. Hi Mark, when are you in Childers next? I’m over here now for a few days. Cheers mate, and a merry Christmas to you and wifey
  3. Sorry fellows, I’ve been out of action on and off for a while. I did have a look around and found it, but it’s not 80kts it’s 100kts, sorry for a bum steer
  4. Hi Mark...mate, I feel like a rite Dick-head over those headphones. I couldn't believe it when Roger handed them to me and showed me what the problem was. Sorry Mark, can I compensate you for the time you did?
  5. Hi Mark, I've got a 'dave clark' head set that's not putting anything into one side. Its a bit too fiddly for me to attack, would you have a go at them if I was to send them down to you? Thanks in advance Cheers Davo.
  6. Hi Yen, mate I'm pretty sure I have a 80 knot asi here in the hangar somewhere if you're looking for one. Cheers Davo
  7. Hi fellers, thanks for all the info. I got myself upside down under the instrument pannel today and started tracing the wiring back, I would get power then it would go out again ‍♂️(b@$;&$?) finally found the wire that's solderd onto the fuse holder had came unstuck from its solderd joint but was out of sight in the heat shrink, re-solderd and working that good you'd think it came from town. Cheers Davo
  8. OK thanks people, will be back at it on Wednesday, so will let you know what transpires
  9. have had two fuses blow over the last couple of weeks, I replaced one today and now I'm not receiving any power to the VHY (uhf works fine but now there's no lights coming on in vhf) it's a icon IC-A200. My question is, will I have to send the whole cradle and all the wiring away with it, or can I just send the radio off by itself? And if so, can anyone advise me on where to send it? Thanks in advance. Davo.
  10. Hi Kununurra, don't worry mate, it might sound like I'm doing it myself, sorry if it came over like that but anything I do, as in adjusting brakes etc. is thoroughly checked out by a level2. I know I'm only relatively low hour with just on 1000 hr. in logbook but am not one who does stupid things or takes risks. It's just that when I phoned the L2 he asked me what I had and he said OK that's alright, have a read of the papers that came with it as it won't hurt to know how they are set up, will try again to stick a pic. on here. Cheers Dave.
  11. Thanks Farri, sorry mate but I didn't explain things enough as I I was trying to put a photo of the back of the tacho on here and somehow the gate got knocked open and my query bolted out the gate.....what I didn't say was that I'm actually changing tachos over (old one buggerd) and wiring is all still there, but the new tac has no indication of what wires go to what blade? My wife googled what she could but no luck yet. Anything we found had four or more terminal blades on the back, and this one has three if I hook it up wrong I'm afraid it might let the smoke out
  12. received new tachometer. and instruction sheet is not much help It is a VDO 333015032x I have googled it and found the correct setting for the switches in the back of it to suit my 582 but haven't been able to find which terminal is + & - and which one is for the eng. pulse? Will try and add photos -----no I can't seem to work that bit out Can someone explain how I can do that please. I'm not real clever when it comes to these things
  13. Thank you Franko. Came through good and clear Cheers Davo.
  14. Hi Franco, I haven't been on this site for ages. And am just now reading through your post 'journey into nowhere' and if it's still available I'd like a copy if at all possible thank you in advance. Dave. [email protected]
  15. Almost unbelievable.....phone call from Doug 1/2hr. ago. still shaking. RIP old mate. Condolences to family and friends. Old Station won't be the same without you.
  16. I'm seeing a discoloration of my prop. Over these last few days of wet weather I've noticed my 'brolga' prop has gone a lighter colour. Does this mean it's absorbing moisture. I have sometimes seen a change in colour after washing it. It doesn't seem to have any effect on it as it still runs as smooth as always. I often polish the prop with 'Mr. sheen' after washing. Any thoughts or ideas will be greatly appreciated. Cheers Davo :o)
  17. The ALA at Frogs Hollow (10nm. nth. of YTDR ) is now permanently. A portion of the property, 700 acres, has been sold and unfortunately the house, hangar and airstrip were in that portion so please replace the Frogs Hollow co-ords of S 24*49.35 E 150*08.39 and insert our new place of abode along with our new strip, unfortunately the strip here is only 450mtr. so it will be a bit short for your twin, Steve. We are about 5 to 6nm. south of Frogs Hollow, the strip is the same orientation as Frogs Hollow and is right by the house at.....S 24*58.3 E 150*05.4 the strip falls away to the south, preferred approach is for '35' as it's uphill. If coming in from the north, there is a single power line runs east / west across the end of the strip, it's no real worry, but it's best to know that it's there. We are a couple of mile south east of the quarry, in among the leucaena. This property is owned by Dave Jewell, who flys a Trike and has done for many years, but is starting to do his three axis training, I don't think it will take him long as he is very comfortable in my Lightwing Cheers Davo.
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  18. And for anyone who can't make The Old Station. there's the option of coming along to Thangool just two weeks later. or better still, if you do go to Old Station still come to Thangool to finish that yarn you was having and had to go because you saw someone else you needed to catch up with...
  19. Negative........ 25 was factory built certified trainer........the weights I posted are from the factory placard attached to the aircraft.....Maj... Hi Maj. I was under the belief that 25rego. was not certified, but was registered as being approved for training. the 55rego. came out as the certified model and what is the difference between the two? Cheers Davo P.S. see you at Old Station
  20. Holy Crap!!!!!!!!!! I understand the frustration:contract:
  21. Bypassing the "print" option in oz, is easy.....take a screen shot, then print that....easy as. I take screen shots of my route, print them, then use them as my backup in flite....perfect.) Assuming you are using an iPad.?? Pardon my ignorance, but how do you take a screen shot and print it?? I'm not as familiar with this thing as the grandys are but they aren't here to show me
  22. Hey Doug how do you put a pic on here? I'll put my old girl up for show.
  23. I can't keep forking out thousands of $$$ every year rego is due?last year cost me $1470 (prop) $130(reg) that's $1600 for rego for that year! rant over. no flyerme:crying:Shattered dreams I'm in a similar boat. My LW 1 was flown for 18 years by the previous owner with a grey head 582. after a engine failure it was fitted with a blue head 582 and I've flown it for more than 3yrs. now they send me a letter to say they wave me 12mths. rego. on condition that I supply a engineers report on the upgrade from the original 503. it had a 532 for many years prior to the 582. RAAus can't manage to keep any info. (photos of rego etc.) for 12mths. so if we obtain a engineers report, will we have to get one every year? because they will have lost by following year you can nearly bet on that. Go onto the RAA site and check out the amount of De-registerd aircraft Cheers Davo:angry:
  24. :oh yeah:Just watched the 4 videos..........awesome!!!!!!! Watched No.3 four times. That thing must of been built like a lightwing . (The big grin is supposed to go after lightwing, still learning to drive this thing) Cheers Davo :o)
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