Just a bit of trivia about the Sapphire. Every Sapphire was made to FARs 23 standard. At the time Aust had no standard to go off.
Made with a safety factor of two, 8gs positive 4gs negitive. Just stay under 100kts! OH, And thats a problem I have when I here someone has a 503 in there Sapphire! How fast, I wounder? I know the terminel verlosity of a Sapphire, it was done once. He all so put 4 pound of lead in the tail boom (no motor) and rolled off Stanwal tops, got a slap on the wrist for not have a hangliding ticket. Scotts view on the elervator was it had to have some stick pressure. If he moved the pivet point fwd it would trim well, yes. but what would happen now is the lightness on the stick would allow for sudden piching up or down,(at speed) where before, the stick fell fwd.
All aircraft are a compromize. All aircraft have a job to do. All aircraft do there job well. All aircraft sould be flown within there envolope. dean has been