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Everything posted by eastmeg2

  1. Crickey this thread has really taken off:faint: NPI As some have correctly asserted (IMO) since my earlier post the best approach depends on the aircraft, the pilot and local conditions amongst many other things no doubt. As Tony and HPD point out I'm also not an instructor, just putting into practise what appears to work best with my aircraft at my site and sharing on this forum and feedback is most welcome. If anyone thought I place too much attention inside the cockpit constantly checking the GPS for groundspeed on final, that's not the case, it's a single check of ground speed while still at 100-150ft AGL on final into a strip in cases where there are likely to be patches of still air on the ground. Having to pull any more than 70kts IAS would an extreme case that would have me thinking I shouldn't have been flying in those winds. Cheers, Glen
  2. Hi Frank, With gusting headwinds on final I tend to use GPS ground speed as a reference by keeping ground speed above stall speed even if it means I have the trike (Airborne Streak-III) doing 70-80 kts IAS. Is that nuts? Remember that the headwind could disappear at any moment and ground speed is still no greater than for a still air landing, possibly a few knots less. . . Rgds, Glen
  3. Good question Ian. I'd like to know the answer since most of my trike flying is under HGFA jurisdiction.
  4. Hi Neale, I seen people approach Airborne for advice on other makes of trike in the past, and probably quite correctly from a legal liability perspective, Airborne declined to offer advice on other manufacturers trikes - in the instances that I have heard of. Note: I do not represent Airborne in any way, shape or form. Although I am a repeat Airborne customer.
  5. Hi Bill, I can't say for sure since I've not seen you're damaged keel tube, but if it was me I would not fly it with any dents in major structural components like the keel tube, leading edge spars, cross bars, down tubes and control bar. I just would not feel confident flying it in that condition, even with the dent straightened out - I don't believe in straightening aluminium as it's so prone to microscopic fatique stress damage when you do. Regards, Glen
  6. After reading the Chilli Cook-Off, I just had to post this old favourite . . . Curry Rhapsody (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody) Naan, just killed a man Poppadom against his head Had Lime Pickle Now He's Dead Naan, Dinner's Just Begun But Now I'm Gonna Crap it All Away Naan, ohhhh ohhhhhh Didn't mean to make you cry Seen Nothing Yet Just See the Loo Tomorrow Curry On, Curry On Cause Nothing Really Madras Too Late, My Dinner's Gone Sends Shivers Down my Spine Rectum Aching All the Time Goodbye Onion Bhaji, I've got to go Gotta Leave You All Behind And Use the Loo Naan, Ohhhhh Ohhhhh The Doopiaza is so Mild I Sometimes Wish We'd Never Come Here at All Guitar Solo I See a Little Chicken Tikka on the Side Rogan Josh, Rogan Josh, Pass the Chutney Made of Mango Vindaloo Does Nicely Very Very Spicy, Meat Byriani (Byriani) Byriani (Byriani) Byriani and a Naan (A Vindaloo loo loo loo) I've Eaten Balti, Somebody Help me He's Eaten Balti, Get Him to the Lavatory Stand you Well Back Cause the Loo is Quarantined... Here it Comes, There it Goes Technicolor Yawn I Chunder NO! It's Coming up Again, (There he Goes) I Chunder Its Coming back Again, (There he Goes) Coming Back Again (Up Again) Here it Goes Again, (No, No, No, No, No, No NO) On my Knees I'm on my Knees On his Knees, Oh, There he Goes This Vindaloo It's About to Wreck my Guts Poor Me.... Poor Me..... Poor Meeee.... Guitar Solo So you Think you can Chunder and Feel Alright? So you try to eat Curry and Drink Beer all Night? Oh Maybe, But now you Puke Like a Baby Just had to Come out It Just had to Come Right out in Here
  7. Hi Alf, Have not flown since the June long weekend, but did get plenty of flying in May. Looks like the weather will abate this weekend so am hoping to get some flying on Saturday at least.. Cheers, Gleen
  8. Hi Alf, We met at Mt Beauty last year when you had a bad trailer experience. If you're thinking of an X-C to Bathurst, drop me a PM, we're on the way if you're coming around the coast via Moruya, we're south of Goulburn. Cheers, Glen
  9. Bill, You definitely did the right thing by not signing for it. It seems nothing has changed in the freight industry over the past 20 years, still as heavy handed as ever.thumb_down Hope the next one arrives unscathed . . . best of luck. Cheers, Glen
  10. I once gave my sister a birthday card . . . Front cover: Confucious say that as one grows older one grows more beautiful. Inside: Confucious full of __it.
  11. Bill, Sounds like your credit card may take a "Pound"-ing.:hittinghead: Cheers, Glen
  12. Dave, Welcome to the Rec Flyers forum. One hting that you may have to your advantage when going to 3 axis is that you might be able to arrange the controls similar to what you currently have in your trike, apart from the control bar. Cheers, Glen
  13. Hi Gary, If your trikes an Airborne Edge X, you should find that its certified for both Brolga 4 blade and 72 inch Bolly 3 blade since they were initially supplied with the former and are now supplied with the latter by Airborne. BTW the 4 Blade Brolgas are ground adjustable IF you have the different pitch blocks. Rgds, Glen
  14. Another PunkinHead faithful here. All covers for my previous trike came from Punkinhead, as did all the covers for my current trike. If you're planning to ever have to park it overnight out in the open make sure you ask Di for a "Camp Cover" too, they pack up very small to be easily carried in your trike at all times. Cheers, Glen
  15. With 2 stroke trikes it was averaging 50hrs a year. Along come a 4 stroke trike and it's 80hrs in the past year.
  16. Not really, from discussions with him later that night all that was known at the time was that it stopped with the usual 1/2 second warning a 582 will give in that situation and that he was 1500ft AGL when it happened.
  17. I may get bagged for this since we're not suposed to rely on our electrinic toys for information, but once or twice after take off and established in cruise I've realised I had not set the QNH and set it to make the altimeter match the altitude reading on my GPS.:hittinghead: Far from ideal I know, but probably better than nothing in the absence of better information. Garmin do claim they're usually accurate to within about 30ft with the disclaimer that you should always refer to your aircraft altimeter first.
  18. Hi Ben, We were on the Megafauna Fly-Away last week and stayed in Swann Hill on the evening of Friday 23rd May. A 582 strut braced Drifter in our group had an engine failure 3 miles out to the NW, inbound from Mildura, landed safely in a ploughed farmers paddock and walked in to town to meet the rest of us. A kind local aviator who happened to know the farmer whose paddock he landed in assisted with his 4WD to move the Drifter into a shed. Last I heard, the Drifter pilot had his engine removed and was headed for Melbourne to get a replacement 582 from Flood's. Cheers, Glen
  19. Sounds like good advice. When I get around to doing my 3 axis conversion, the sapphire is very high on my list and happens to be a taildragger. Can anyone advise how well suited a Sapphire would be to a 450m private dirt strip? Rgds, Glen
  20. Cali, The 296 has an option to lock to nearest road or some thing to that effect. You may find the 196 also has it.
  21. I'm just wondering how many landings per hour RAA plastic fantastics and low end GA do on average. I'm tending to find that I'm averaging 2 landings per hour in a trike. Rgds, Glen
  22. Yenn, The trees were at the downwind end of the strip and not arranged in a manner likely to produce downdraughts (not in a line, but scattered).
  23. The appropriate HGFA pilot certificates are required to fly a Hang Glider or a Paraglider. A motorised endorsement is required on these certificates to fly with a motor. If the motorised HG or PG is below 70kg empty wieght it does not require registration even if it has a pilot seat and undercarriage, ie, a trike base. Rgds, Glen
  24. In complete agreement with John Crezzi's input as usual. I had to put all of this into practise during the Xmas-NY period when landing at a short strip near Kempsey. Flying a high performance trike (Streak-III) in the company of lower performance trikes (Mostly Wizards) we all landed on a East-West 250m grass strip. There was a 15kt easterly at circuit height and 100ft trees at the western end of the strip. As I was able to fly at 43kts (no pax) with full reflex hands off and anticipated losing 10kts of the headwind on late final I approached low over the 100ft tree tops at 45kts and commenced a moderate dive which combined with a small aplication of power the wind shear to get me down quickly and maintain airspeed(increase groundspeed) to avoid a stall. Anticipating all those factors and watching all the other lower performance trikes land before me lead to a successful landing I'm proud of even after watching a video replay.:thumb_up: Disclaimer: It's up to each pilot to decide whether to land at an airstrip they've not landed at before. In this instance I'd prepared by practising short field landings over imaginary obstacles at longer grass strips in the same trike in the lead up to this. Cheers, Glen
  25. Can anyone tell how much more fuel a rotary engine uses compared to a 4-stroke for the same power output, and why?
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