This was my 2nd year at Natfly and the first time I flew there in my trike.
Flying from our private strip south of Goulburn, getting out early while I could before the wind came down to the ground (20kts headwind from NW @ 500ft AGL when I took off) I met up with Ian Willis and his son Matt in their trike (From Nowra) at Crookwell. We managed to get up high out of the stronger headwinds and increase our groundspeed from 30kts to 40kts (for 60kts IAS) and landed at Cudal to eat our sandwiches and drink hot tea from my thermas. A quick assesment of our fuel showed that I might make it the remaining 70Nm to Narromine, but Ian would not. So we diverted to Parkes. Parkes advisory radio on the CTAF was very accommodating and gave us a straight in approach low level on RWY22. Now one of the great things about 4 stroke trikes compared to the 2 strokes we used to fly was the ability to taxy up to the Avgas bowser and "fillerup". I'm not complaining about the 171.9c/l price with that kind of convenience.
To that point we'd flown in what was probably the worst conditions I've flown x-country in in a trike for headwinds and bumps.
Parkes-Narromine was easy.
Flying time 5.5hrs for 200Nm.
I won't write about the time spent at Narromine since others have already covered that off.
I originally intended to make the return flight either Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. The weather dictated that it was Sunday morning. After packing up my soaking wet tent and watching the weather gradually clear from the North I got in the trike and taxied out, to queue up for departure. Even on a Megafauna fly away I have not seen so many aircraft queued up on the taxyway. I was impressed.
From takeoff I quickly climbed to 1000ft AGL, still over the runway and turned south. This time the GPS ground speed was 70kts and stayed at 70kts all the way past Parkes, Forbes, Grenfell and Young. It was not until I got to about Binalong that my ground speed started to drop below 65kts and the smooth air stopped.
Tracked north of Yass, north of Gundaroo (staying outside Canberra 3500ft CTA step), across lake George and before I knew it was doing my low level downwind over our strip to scare away to Roo's, then turned back to land upwind.
Flight time was 3.5hrs for 200Nm - 2 hrs less than before.