Hi Bill,
Ive been keeping my finger on the pulse of what's available in single seat trikes around the world for a few years and several manufacturers caught my eye. Here are my observations . . .
AirCreation Racer - no longer in production and none known to be in Australia
Northwing(USA) - browsed their website many times, but they seem to be sticking with 30ft+ wingspans and mainly with king-posts.
Evolution USA Trikes - no single seaters on the market yet but may do so in next 2 years possibly with a lighter USA Part103 version of their Reflex wings but are not likely to be cheap. Coincidently, I plan to take a flight in a 100hp Revo Sport (12.5sqm wing - for the altitude) with a CFI in Colorado in August on my way home from Oshkosh.
Pegasus Chaser S - no longer in production, though some known to be in Australia and parts available from a UK vendor.
Pursuit-10 (Homebuilt) - virtually identical to the Chaser S.
Gibbo-Gear BB-103 - Might not have the same CNC milled parts as Airborne and Evolution, but reputed to be well built, good performing topless, reduced span wings. Been in the industry for several decades. Lower pricing.
Last year I bought a 2nd hand Pursuit-10 from Drifterdriver. It's a bit long in the tooth and I've been over the trike base and it has no life-span issues. The wing I think may have lifespan issues and probably not so many years of safe operating life remaining, so no prizes for guessing that the new wing I'm buying is for the Pursuit-10.
The existing wing is a Pegasus Chaser-S wing. Wing span = 8m, area = 10sqm. But before you squeal about how fast that must be, MTOW of just 220kg only makes this wing trim at around 50knots.
The wing I am buying is the Orca wing from Gibbo-Gear http://www.gibbogear.com/ in Texas. Besides being a topless wing it will be pretty much the same span and surface area as the Chaser-S wing I have now but with a 650 pound MTOW, versus 500 pound MTOW of the Chaser-S wing.
When Mark announced his "May Summer Sale", combine that with the strong Aussie Dollar - my legs turned to jelly and I put my order in.
So there you have it. What do you think?
I'm thinking it's great value for money, and am thinking how can I get the MTOW of my (CAO 95.10) trike up from 500 pounds to 650 pounds - or somewhere in between. Some potentially destructive testing of the trike base comes to mind.