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Everything posted by eastmeg2

  1. A lot of water must have gone into Lake Boga since I flew over it in March this year . . . I could see the tufts of grass coming out of the water in the middle of the lake. Looks much nicer in your more recent film clip. [ATTACH]11690.vB[/ATTACH] I didn't see the old Cat though, as I did the previous time I overflew the lake in May 2006. I was later told it had been relocated and had a hangar built over it. Cheers, Glen
  2. I do believe I saw the Concorde doing exactly that in Ch 7 last night. did you see it too?
  3. If you can get a copy of Brian Milton's video doco from when he flew a trike around the world in 1998, you'll see he was made to pay USD 5k per landing in Japan and had to carry a Russian Navigator through the USSR. Perhaps not so relevant in this case: Also had to pay USD10k for SAR insurance before he was allowed to set off across the Greenland (or was it Iceland) ice cap, otherwise they were going to "detain" him.
  4. Hi Tomo, Being electric, the motor can run both ways. Forwards and Backwards. Obviously has the motor controller required to do that. Much simpler and quicker than reversing pitch on the prop.
  5. Anyone who's handy at wiring a headset to plug into their intercom might want to check out the Peltor Bluetooth headset like the one at the below link. I stumbled across this the other night. It does seem that noise attenuation is only 25dB though, compared to 30dB on the Peltor H7's I currently use in the trike. Might be ok for enclosed cabin flying though. 3M Cheers, GLen
  6. I was going to say what Alf said . . . in short to make sure your mike boom is outside your helmet side straps. Another thing to look at is what type of pads the Lynx headsets have. I have used Lynx on occasions when flying someone elses trike and my impression is that the pads are not as soft as the liquid-foam filled ones on my custom made headsets made with Peltor H7 ear muffs. Maybe you can buy just the liquid-foam filled pads to put on the Lynx headsets . . . worth a look I think.
  7. Have had 2nd hand carpet laid over the dirt floor in the hangar floor for a couple of years now. It really helps keep the dust down and is much nicer to lay down on when you have to get under the aircraft. Best of all, it didn't cost anything. There's always plenty to choose from come council clean up time. Cheers, Glen
  8. Hi David, I think you should email the manufacturer with your problem. Will PM you on how to find them. Cheers, Glen
  9. Me too . . . When doing circuit training all those years ago our CFI had that many of us in circuit that 500m separation was about the most we could achieve and while there was some noticeable wake turbulence it was easily manageable. I personally wouldn't fly closer than about 300m behind another trike at the same altitude or that is less than 100ft higher. Years ago I have had another trike veer in front of me less than 100m in front and it was all I could do to dive my trike out of his wake. I was about 1,500ft AGL at the time and wouldn't have wanted to be close to the ground when that happened.
  10. Jon, Like the look of your converted box trailer in post #35 of this thread. What size box trailer was it? Was it a 6ftx4ft? If so I'm thinking of doing something similar to my 6x4 box trailer but maybe in a way that it can still be used as a box trailer . . .
  11. For me, it's a kneeboard with the relevant maps facing front in the first sleeve. Then facing back in the 1st sleeve and opposite that facing forward in the 2nd sleeve I have my ERSA page printouts, printed 2 pages per sheet on A4 so each ERSA page is A5 size. On top of this I use yellow highlighter to mark the most relevant lines on the ERSA pages like airfield frequency and any special procedures like right hand circuits etc . . . it's surprising how long it can take to find the line you're looking for if it's not marked. During Fly-Aways with large groups I also have the Pilot/Crew/Aircraft/Callsign list facing back in the back of the 2nd sleeve, so when Aircraft X is spotted I know who I'm talking to on the chat channel. FB, Origami may be hard to beat in the still cabin air of a Cessna but unfortunately doesn't work too well in the open cockpit of a trike. Cheers, Glen
  12. Just over a year back, I got a new one including C-Type 'box, exhaust, carb's & fuel pump for a bit over $7k.
  13. If you did have to fly down south during the week, your best bet would be to track via Mittagong and Goulburn, then just south of Braidwood follow the Araluen Valley across to the coast at Moruya at 7,500ft or even 9,500ft depending on cloud clearance requirements. The extra height above 5,000ft is needed for glide to safe landing area in case your fuel to noise converter stops. Cheers, Glen
  14. Mighty Jealous here too. I have a 2 week trike trip coming up later in the year, but won't quite be making it all the way to the red center. Hope I can get some shots half as good as yours . . . and finding that abandoned strip in the Simpson Desert. Can't get much more isolated than that.:thumb_up: Cheers, Glen
  15. No worries Oz, I'm 110% sure that CASA won't have to lift a finger. The RTA and other state equivalents will do that for them.
  16. It's on ABC1 . . .
  17. Thanks Oz, The new 503 I installed on my Buzzard Trike during it's rebuild last year is about the 70th ASTM compliant R503. But . . . because it's registered under CAO95.10 it still can't be legally flown over built up areas under any circumstances. I suspect that will be the case for most since my impression at least is that R503's are mostly used in single seater RAA 95.10 aircraft. Good for people with old wire-braced 503 powered Drifters (And Thrusters) thinking of installing a new R503 engine though. Cheers, Glen
  18. Aka, The Working Dog's Dinner, at the cost of one round from the farmers gun. Sorry Bugs . . .
  19. Hi Jason, Good to see that my recent flights over your place have got you thinking of committing aviation again. Though I'm careful not to get too low or close, so your Mrs' horses don't get a fright and hurt themselves. I don't think a 2.5% cross-slope would be too much of an issue. All you really need is reasonably flat, smooth ground and grass no more than about 4 inches. If you're not moving any earth then surely you don't need council approval for that. It is important to keep the neighbours on side though. I recall mentioning before about trying to make sure your approaches don't take you too close to your neighbours houses . . . Cheers, Glen
  20. Something else I mentioned to Chris Fogg last year was the Wizard-3 wing I have registered with my Buzzard. Because it's registered with the Buzzard it has a "T1" rego, but sometimes we might like to fly that wing with our Edge-X trike base, making a trike-wing combo that is manufacturer approved for 2-seat operations for which you need a "T2" rego. With Chris now out of the HGFA pciture, perhaps I should raise it with the new management. Cheers, Glen
  21. Big Positive Step Thanks Kev, That's a big positive step by the HGFA to formalise this. I've been using my own design aircraft logbook 'till now and was about to buy RAA's aircraft logbook. I've just downloaded the 3 logbook templates and will use them on my HGFA rego'd trikes henceforth. CHeers, Glen
  22. Hi Scott, That's the "Ducks Guts", (ie, GOOD). Assuming you won't have any prop strike issues and being a di-pole has no ground-plane requirement. I've managed to borrow an air-band power & SWR meter which I used on the weekend to find I'm getting a SWR of 1.2 (Very good) and power output of 4 watts which is typical of the earlier Microair M760's. But I did find that the wing top wires were shadowing transmission and reception in front of the trike - this shouldn't be a problem with the SST though. Air-air conversations with another trike 10km in front were readable but scratchy, and much better and clearer when I turned 90 degrees (side on) to the other trike 10km away. Cheers, Glen
  23. There do appear to be powers to acces private property (99.465), but only to test people who are performing, or are available to perform SSAA's. It might be worth formalising and displaying a DAMP on your private airfield premises stating something along the lines that intoxicated pilots are not available to perform SSAA's and that other persons (intoxicated or otherwise) on the premises will enforce this. There is nothing in the CASR saying that private premises cannot develop and DAMP. Then, even if the CASE tester does perform the test he/she cannot put anything in the field that indicates which SSAA the donor was performing or available to perform. Also, if the tester cannot state exactly how the privacy act is being complied with then he/she is not permitted to take samples from donors. Cheers, Glen PS. I am not a legal adviser, the above is just my pesonal interpretation of the CASR Part99 document linked in a previous post to this thread.
  24. ERSA on WinCE GPS's Has anyone looked at the possibility of placing copies of the ERSA airfield PDF's onto their Windows CE based converted automotive GPS's. In Windows mode my GPS has what claims to be a PDF viewer, but when I placed a copy of an airfield ERSA page PDF file on my SD card and tried to open it, it failed with an error message. If anyone else has tried this I'd like to know, but then there's the other issue of ASA's copyright prohibiting storage on a retreival system - maybe we'll just have to wait for Bass's iPhone app to come out . . .
  25. Hi Dave, I fly in a pretty cool climate too, with our airfield altitude at 2,460ft AMSL south of Goulburn. If you get a pair of bar-mitts you will find you don't need gloves - I haven't used gloves at all for the last few years since realising this. Radio & GPS operations are much easier without gloves on. It's just a short walk to the end of JD drive for you to get a pair if you haven't already. Cheers, Glen
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