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Everything posted by petetheprinta

  1. Due to a bit of a battle with illness I stopped flying in Nov 2012 Happy to say I am now back in the air with my first flight today, bit rusty but brought myself and instructor back in one piece. Hopefully a few more test flights and I should be as good (or bad) as before. Pete
  2. You missed the punch line "and they were both satisfied"...think about it.
  3. I will get one but will wait for second generation, certainly a bit more manageable on my knee than the full size version.
  4. Yes that's it, many thanks Nathan...what a memory I have, right letters wrong order.
  5. I heard an acronym used today in relation to navigation. I believe it was NOSU?. Can anyone enlighten me as to what it means and in what context it may be used, I came in on the end of the conversation and didn't want to butt in. Thanks.
  6. UPDATE UPDATE: Been flying with an instructor, different aircraft to the one I had problems with, didn't have a problem at all. Did about 10 touch and goes all good. I and the instructor can only surmise the longer nose in the new Jab is doing something to my perception of attitude on landing. Probably not pulling the stick back enough and maybe coming in a little hot. Now I have my confidence back I will take the new one up again next week and see how I go. For those that kindly offered suggestions, many thanks.
  7. Wow Mardy love the images, would love to take piccies like that.
  8. Give these people a call they skydive from there, should be able to help you. http://www.saskydiving.com.au/
  9. I don't know if I would want an almost new 2 nd hand water cooled 4 banger and all the cooling etc that goes with it in my aircraft. A brand new 120hp Harley, Revtech or S&S engine is less than half the cost of a rotax, and cheaper than a Jabiru 4 cylinder. Another advantage of course, whilst having the power of a 4 cyl or even a 6 cyl. There are half or a third of the number of moving parts. Much less to worry about, much less to maintain. A win win and win again (if it works of course)
  10. Sorry for me prattling on folks, but as you have probably realized I am very enthusiastic about Harley. One of the things you can do with a Harley is by the simple addition of a plug in crane fireball system is adjust the ignition on the fly (pardon the pun) you can advance, retard, adjust timing between cylinders, limit or increase RPM tune for economy or power. The mind boggles. I promise to shut up now. :-)
  11. You are correct in the fact that it has an out of balance firing order and has done for the last (almost) 110 years since they first started building them. I am happy to report that by now they have got it right. I'm sorry, how long have rotex and jab been building engines? Backlash in 96b (not older designs, flatheads, pans, knuckles, shovels, evos) is eliminated by complete redesign of engine and design of gears and size of flywheel taking up the slack. Of course this still has to be transferred to prop and, as you said, therein probably is the problem. Don't make the mistake that the engine will be the problem. It's not going to be an easy task, and I hope the persevere as I for one will be in line to purchase the aircraft. (Assuming it passes all requirements of course) Sorry folks but you will never dampen my enthusiasm for a Harley powered aircraft. :-)
  12. You gotta admit sounds good. As regards lugging, that's exactly what Harley's are designed for tons of torque, pull away from 0 to whatever you want in top gear ( not much use for aviation but you get the idea). You've all seen Harley riders flat out when they can (take off) flat out through the hills (climb) then cruise into the sunset lol. The engines are massively over designed to take whatever punishment the 1%'s and the yuppees and me can throw at them. Don't make the mistake that Harley's operate like normal road vehicles. It's flat out or nothing, if not what's the point or owning one.
  13. It must be sad for you ol timers living in the past, don't stereotype new HD's with what you are familiar with the old pan heads and knuckleheads went out of production many years ago."Both like a ride home in the ute", " follow the oil leaks" you obviously haven't been near a modern Harley folks. I repeat, having owned Harley's for many years. I would stake my life on the reliability of a HD engine way way before I would bet on a rotex or a jab engine. You do not do 50 hr checks on a HD engine ( that may change if they end up in aircraft) you do not need strip downs every few hours to do up through bolts or whatever. Side on configuration and efi will give you even burns, no massive differences in cht's. it will be a win win win engine. Solid reliable, low revving last forever. "The yanks would have done it by now" open your eyes people, get off backsides do some research instead of being armchair experts. There are numerous HD engined aircraft flying. Not mainstream yet but plenty out there . There endeth the lesson for today!!
  14. Don't like the sound of that...
  15. Thanks Bill but in fact the covering is aluminum not fabric that's why I question the method of fabrication. The skin is several pieces of aluminium CNC machined and formed, and somehow attached to tracks without using fasteners.??
  16. Talking to Ian Hampel he says to achieve a smooth free form shape, the skin is attached to the frame without using nuts bolts rivets. Somehow it slots into special tracking on the frame. He was rather vague on details. Anyone know how that might work??
  17. Perhaps they are after quality over quantity... Lol.
  18. One would hope they know what they are doing, or presumedly they wouldn't bother. Thank heaven for people who are willing to have a go despite the naysayers or where would we be?? (Rhetorical question, doesn't need an answer). I have been informed by Bolly that the prototype will be ready early-mid 2013. My name is down for one, all I need do now is save my pennies.
  19. Bit of blurb on a flying 96B http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=LSTRlAx_YSc&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DLSTRlAx_YSc
  20. You can indeed my custom SoftTail has a balanced and blueprinted 110ci and you could stand a 10c piece upright on it when it's running. Well..a 50c piece.
  21. I have always thought the Harley Twin Cam would make a good engine for an LSA. Having had Harley's for many many years the motors have just got better and better. Far more reliable, plenty of torque, the Twin Cams particularly are easy to work on and service. Parts are easy to come by and not at a ridiculous price. Air cooled comparatively light at about 60-80kgs depending on config. The 96B of course goes a long way to dampening down vibration with its chain driven counter balances. Balance the flywheels and you have a vibration free motor (just about). They will be rubber mounting the motor in the Sky Blazer and voila. Can't wait to see one. Gimme gimme gimme.
  22. From their web sight "The engine selected for our Prototype Sky Blazer is a 96 cubic inch v-twin with balance shafts Based on the Harley Davidson Twin Cam 96B engine. This engine will have some modifications to suit aviation" Seen the engine, pretty well straight HD main difference seems to be engine is balanced to try and eliminate vibrations, different output obviously to accommodate reduction drive.
  23. Bolly (the prop people) are bringing out a kit aircraft with a Harley air cooled 90hp 4 stroke V Twin (120hp option) engine. Specs are :- MT weight 295 kg. MTOW 600 kg Length 6650mm Wing span 11.05m Cabin width 1260mm 115kts full power cruise Over 100kts economy cruise Fuel burn 15ltrs/hr @ 90kts Fuel capacity 175 litres again 175 litres Endurance 11 hrs Stall clean below 45kts Stall landing config below :38 kts Payload inc. fuel 305kg Factory assembly commences Jan 2013 Sky Blazer kit will include. Complete airframe all aluminium f/glass and CF construction Engine Prop Bolly 72" 2 blade ground adjustable with spinner Complete wiring loom landing lights full digital instruments VHF transceiver, headsets Dual control with elevator trim GA style yoke Tricycle undercarriage castor nose wheel Folding wings Estimated price $49,650 + battery and paint Approx $60,000 with build assist Sounds like a bargain... www.skyblazeraircraft.com Harley engine...yum, lots and lots of trick options and the sound......potato potato potato.
  24. Deja vu...at least no advertising this time around
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