Brief history. Flying for 2 years now primarily jabs (160,170,230) and fk9 . Fair weather flyer only and basically putter around. Approx 150hrs. Successfully completed BFR 5 weeks ago in 170. 3 weeks ago went up in adverse conditions (for me) gusty and swinging winds aprox 15-20 knots, very bumpy. Did 3 circuits and extremely happy with flight "greased" all landings.
2 weeks ago circuits again, calm conditions struggled with all 6 landings. Floating, go arounds due to bouncing, just terrible. By the way, Usually fly same aircraft all the time.
Wednesday just gone calm conditions Brand new 170d long nose. 1st landing severe bounce go around, 2nd same thing, 3rd same thing, now starting to worry, radio the CFI, talks to me whilst circling airfield, check approach speed 60 knots, flare, hold off, 4th severe bounce, go around, now getting very nervous. Talk to CFI again, try again 5th, same problem now panic has set in, finally get down on 6th attempt after minor bounce. (All touch downs on main wheels, no nose wheel first)
Talk to CFI who feels just not holding the nose up enough. Flare was ok at good height. Told me I should go up again but I chickened out.
I have since struggled to work out what went wrong. Is it the longer nose on Jab? Maybe doing something to my perceived view of attitude on landing. (Doesn't explain week befores effort) I have booked in again next Wednesday with instructor to try and sort it out. In the meantime ANY suggestions gratefully accepted...