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Everything posted by petetheprinta

  1. I Always look down the runway. That's why I don't understand what's happening. I have almost convinced myself it is the aircraft. I always have a picture in my mind of attitude of nose in flare in relation to the end of runway when landing. IMHO The longer nose on the new jab means that although my picture is the same, in fact the aircraft is in a "flatter" attitude in the flare. Hence I need to pull back more in flare so that the longer nose is above my previous picture sight in relation to the end of runway. Make sense or am I clutching at straws??
  2. Rob Hastwell, the Foxbat man.
  3. They're also very pedantic to (sorry...too)
  4. Not a problem, I was 60 something when I started, took a little longer than a 20 year old, but got there in the end. Good luck.
  5. Many thanks to you all for the good advice. I certainly appreciate the help. There are several things I will concentrate on particularly speed, attitude in the flare and making sure I am looking down the runway not in front of the nose. I will also go up with an instructor who I am sure will beat me as required. Pete.
  6. Brief history. Flying for 2 years now primarily jabs (160,170,230) and fk9 . Fair weather flyer only and basically putter around. Approx 150hrs. Successfully completed BFR 5 weeks ago in 170. 3 weeks ago went up in adverse conditions (for me) gusty and swinging winds aprox 15-20 knots, very bumpy. Did 3 circuits and extremely happy with flight "greased" all landings. 2 weeks ago circuits again, calm conditions struggled with all 6 landings. Floating, go arounds due to bouncing, just terrible. By the way, Usually fly same aircraft all the time. Wednesday just gone calm conditions Brand new 170d long nose. 1st landing severe bounce go around, 2nd same thing, 3rd same thing, now starting to worry, radio the CFI, talks to me whilst circling airfield, check approach speed 60 knots, flare, hold off, 4th severe bounce, go around, now getting very nervous. Talk to CFI again, try again 5th, same problem now panic has set in, finally get down on 6th attempt after minor bounce. (All touch downs on main wheels, no nose wheel first) Talk to CFI who feels just not holding the nose up enough. Flare was ok at good height. Told me I should go up again but I chickened out. I have since struggled to work out what went wrong. Is it the longer nose on Jab? Maybe doing something to my perceived view of attitude on landing. (Doesn't explain week befores effort) I have booked in again next Wednesday with instructor to try and sort it out. In the meantime ANY suggestions gratefully accepted...
  7. Thanks Win, that seems so much more fun and relaxed than belting round in a (insert whatever). Is it the aircraft or the environment I wonder?
  8. I believe it's Vancouver, Stanley Park area My son lives there and has seen him in action... I bet he can pat his head and rub his tummy at the same time.
  9. I fly out of the same airfield as compulsion, and certainly there have been some engine problems among the training aircraft. I have had an engine failure myself luckily on final, I don't dwell on engine hassles, incidents are few and far between. However I have just purchased and will be wearing a new kevlar flying helmet...just in case. The laughter will not bother me. :-)
  10. Ahhh! The wonders of modern technology.
  11. My iPad is fine, are you sure you haven't pressed wrong buttons?.Why would it change half hour? Daylight savings is one hour (in Adelaide at least)
  12. I wondered if it was one of those RC quadrocopters being used as a camera platform. It can be seen occasionally flying about and there are a couple of moving overhead shots obviously not from the crane???
  13. Brilliant...should be more of it.
  14. Who said the Ruskies were a miserable bunch? "Putin" on the Ritz..Get it? Crank up the volume and play it full screen. http://www.wimp.com/russianmob/
  15. Not shameless at all, but sorry my daughter has already claimed it.
  16. Thanks for the replies folks. just so you know, Budget is not a problem. Both cameras I have mentioned above are similar in all respects and both will do what I need. I am familiar with the Canon product but not Nikon other than my friends somewhat biased view (Ford/Holden, Jabiru/the rest). I have read various reviews of both products but swings and roundabouts. I was hoping someone was using a D4 and could give me their views on it (pros & cons)...thanks.
  17. I realize not aviation oriented but i do use my cameras to photograph aircraft. I have decided to purchase a new DSLR. I have always owned Canon in the past and I am retiring my ever faithful 7D. I had planed on purchasing a new Canon EOS 1D X which of course renders my EFS lenses to the scrap heap. A mate of mine has just purchased a Nikon D4 and having seen it and used it I am tempted to buy. I still of course will need to purchase new lenses to suit. So not much difference in price. My question is has anyone had any experience with the D4 and what are your thoughts on it? My second question is broader, your thoughts on Canon V's Nikon. There are better cameras but I have no interest in any other make of camera...thanks
  18. Thanks HH, a very handy piece of info. I was unaware I was flying my rc's where I shouldn't be. (within 3 nm).
  19. No black lines on mine either ??
  20. A search of the www. found this however I cannot say if it is correct or not. "The original Snoopy pilot was Major Ross Rundell. Or Rossco Rundell. Chief instructor at Oakey Aviation aIrbase. His first display was totally made up as he went along."
  21. Lucky you, I would loved to have seen this.
  22. Does anyone remember this? I believe it may have been the Sydney Royal Show?? It would never be allowed nowadays. Mores the pity, some spectacular flying even if somewhat unsafe. http://www.wimp.com/helicopterflying/
  23. I do indeed. Corrected.
  24. I think it's very good value for money. IMHO has a way to go to catch up with the likes of Garmin or Avmap or even RunwayHD (another iPad app much more expensive) but assuming you own an iPad, money well spent. I don't know I would recommend buying an iPad just to use Oz runways.
  25. Adelaide Biplanes on Facebook has a link to the petition and I have it on my Facebook page. All my 18 friends have signed. Not many I know but every little bit helps. (I refuse to go public on Facebook, too many nutters). Many thanks for the suggestion.
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