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Everything posted by petetheprinta

  1. An oldie but a goldie!
  2. It's only the Softtails that have that problem, most of the range are pretty good, particularly the Dynas and Sporties.
  3. Be there tomorrow giving the FK9 thingy a go. May see you then
  4. At least they have gone from very flakey drum brakes to two pot disks. Old Harleys didn't go fast enough to warrant decent brakes.
  5. I havn't experienced it on the several club Jabs I fly. Are you sure it was done right??
  6. Very nice....One of mine, 94 Ultraglide. If I get the Piccie right!!
  7. Held my attention.
  8. You mean literally, not a foot off as in altitude.
  9. If the cupcake is anything like my wife's cooking I can well understand the reasoning. (For the ultrasensitive, and so there is no confusion, this is an attempt at humour)
  10. Now that's funny, made my day and it's only 0700.
  11. Nice video, liked the notes, but there were times when I thought your taxiing was a bit quick LOL, and your final seemed to take forever. Where I fly they drum "keep it tight" into you. But well done, enjoyed it.
  12. Way of the mark Nev, nothing whatsoever to do with you, but carry on.
  13. No sense of humour... "A character with No Sense of Humor is incapable of enjoying jokes, comedy, or humor of any sort. Maybe the character is The Stoic or an otherworldly being with no notion of comedy, or the victim of a traumatizing accident — whatever it is, this person will not (or cannot) respond to humor, tell jokes, or even recognize when something is funny at all."
  14. I didn't think I was quite up to captain level yet so I only got 3 stripes from the pilots shop and a couple of lovely blue shirts with epele..epeul...eplett...tags to hang them on.
  15. I agree, no excuse for bad speling!
  16. "Takeoffs and Landings"...Leighton Collins "Making Perfect Landings in light Airplanes"...Ron Fowler I think someone is trying to tell me something..A few bumps and you never live it down.
  17. It is a good one...but ya gotta be quick.
  18. Sorry Steve, have a look at "Aircraft takes off unmanned." few threads down from this one.
  19. Perhaps it was a really really short pilot who had converted it to VTOL...
  20. If he tells you he will have to kill you...
  21. Thanks fellas, can view it now...Doh.
  22. Got an error message "attachment could not be found" when looking at piccie??
  23. Thanks, hopefully i have it sorted now. As I said looks OK on my end.
  24. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back......except when landing. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields Happy new Year
  25. Graham who? someone looking to share at Gawler??
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