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Everything posted by petetheprinta

  1. I was there to witness it. Well down LLoyd, another shake of the hand. Pete the Pilot.
  2. I will leave here about 10am and be there about 11am. See you then. Hows this font?? the other one looks fine on my Mac.
  3. Where did the italics come from I never pick italics. There are very limited fonts available and as a Mac operator I refuse to use PC style fonts. So there I am going up to the field tomorrow, I will pick up the headsets then Thanks Kev.
  4. Sorry Nev I will pick another typestyle and go up a point or so in size.
  5. Sounds good to me, perhaps we can now do away with some of the sniping (RAA v's GA) and crud that rears it's ugly head now and again?? (or pick and choose at least) good luck with it fellas.
  6. Did you have it then?... big blow was in March 2010, well before morgan arrived and landed YGAW contra circuit direction (if same A/C, red and grey from memory?)
  7. Sorry Gawler South Oz
  8. Windy day at YGAW, All hands to the deck to hold down Aircraft, even the very large air crane was tied down.
  9. Don't sweat it Glint, always something to be gained from every experience. On about my second or third training flight (Jabiru) I had just taken off and was at about 100' when in the excitement of the moment I switched off the ignition:yikes: I immediately realized that was a No No and switched back on. Luckily engine fired up:clap: if not I don't think I would have had the forethought (nor maybe the time) to press the starter again. Sure woke my instructor up and I have never lived it down. I now put a tag on key to remind me not to do it again.
  10. It's what? about 11amish too much to eat and drink already, no pool damn it!!!
  11. Wish I had any job, retirement is starting to be just a little boring, however I am now a volunteer at the SA Aviation Museum. Lots and lots of new toys to play with sadly they don't fly but i can sit in the cockpit of a Spitfire or an Aermacchi MB or an Aero Commander or even a Vampire and let my mind soar to new heights.
  12. Xmas is an event, (in our family anyway) So amid all the good, the doom and gloom, the informative, the amusing, the silly, (but never dull) threads I read in these forums, I would take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and better times for the coming New Year.
  13. Thanks Kev, I will catch up with you soon and pick up.
  14. Hopefully this answers your question :- GPS time is given by its Composite Clock (CC). The CC or "paper" clock consists of all Monitor Station and satellite operational frequency standards. The system was previously referenced to one of the Monitor Station's operational frequency standards and switched from one station to another as needed. The GPS epoch is 0000 UT (midnight) on January 6, 1980. GPS time is not adjusted and therefore is offset from UTC by an integer number of seconds, due to the insertion of leap seconds. The number remains constant until the next leap second occurs. This offset is also given in the navigation (NAV) message and your receiver should apply the correction automatically. As of January 1, 2006, GPS time is ahead of UTC by fourteen (14) seconds. Your Nuvi is prehistoric in GPS terms and is not able to read/understand Nav message and therefore does not self correct. Buy a current aviation GPS if 14 secs is a worry for you. (now it just so happens I have for sale...)
  15. I can resize them with photoshop, I will give that a go, thanks
  16. Can anyone point me to the instructions on how to upload piccies, I keep getting an error message, "file to big"?? they are only about 500K. Thanks in advance.
  17. "No massive object (objects that have mass, which is all matter) can move at the speed of light. Massive objects can be accelerated closer and closer to the speed of light, but can never actually achieve light speed. Therefore there is no answer to the question. The logic of our understanding of light (Einstein's Special or Specialized Theory of Relativity) simply does not allow for massive things to travel at light speed. It's like asking someone what would happen if 1 + 1 actually equaled 3 - it's completely contradictory to the basic logic upon which the current understanding is based, and so the question just cannot be answered in terms of the current understanding".... Live long and prosper
  18. Oops should have watched the end credits, there it is "Sail by Awolnation"
  19. You don't know where to look Kev, message me your email and I will send you an .mp3. you are right about the Savs, not a bad little flyer I think it would be my second choice.
  20. Many thanks, as you said it's pretty good. I will keep an eye out for more of their work.
  21. Anyone know the name of the track playing on this vid??
  22. Unbelievable....that man has got balls as big as my head (and it's not small)
  23. Made my day....thanks
  24. Keep buying the lottery tickets
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