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Everything posted by petetheprinta

  1. Unbelievable, what an idiot, but all kudos to him for giving it a go, I wish him luck (he's going to need it.)
  2. Tried that, sadly got nowhere, gave it to my grand daughter to play with, ended up getting another one,
  3. I tried to jailbreak my first iphone, downloaded instructions from the web......scratch one mobile
  4. Ohh I thought you had one with a separate USB port, I got all excited.
  5. Where did you get an ipad with a USB port from??
  6. Printer by Trade, (you would never guess), own printing business for 20 years sold and retired on 31st March 2011 :rilla:If anyone needs info on getting their printing organised, let me know, and I will guide them the best and least expensive way to go about it. (Not an advert for printing....advice only)
  7. Thanks David and Jake, no offence taken. I have a lot to learn and a million questions, so be warned.
  8. My Fault, I asked what I thought was a simple hypothetical question on procedure, I have been taught not to alter my altimeter, it was a question as to why not, and suddenly we are onto the merits or not of RAA instructors, schools and what ever else. My previous question got locked out by IAN coz of people getting totally off subject and obviously getting very irate with one and other on the pros and cons of the Jabiru.. Give me a break fellas, all I ask is stay on topic please.
  9. Of course it is!! :frusty:
  10. David, My ignorance is showing again, what is " AD" Thanks
  11. Hi RD, believe it or not I have my licence, (albeit recently) I just always question why we do things the way we do, my instructor hated me LOL.
  12. Thanks David point taken.
  13. Thanks David, I have rewritten question in the hope of better explaining myself. o' and 1000' is an easy one to do the maths and fly at 2000' indicated, it seems to me that say 397' and 1634' take a little more figuring.... Imagine landing, on top of everything else I am trying to work out by adding or subtracting, circuit height, height at final turn, over the fence etc. on top of actually flying the plane. Wouldn't it be easier to adjust alt to suit (so every landing no matter what the AGL is, is same indicated). Forget the maths and concentrate on the flying. (think of this from a learners point of view)
  14. Hi Brian, thanks for that, I have rewritten my IP in the hope it makes more sense.
  15. Hi All, I am after an opinion on the following.: (hopefully it makes sense) forgive me if the jargon is wrong I am interested only in theory. I am not taking into account mapreading, ATIS, cold fronts, warm fronts, local QNH, area QNH or any other variables, it is purely a difference in altitude of airfields and indicated AGL V's actual AGL. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS FOR THIS PURELY HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION I take off from airfield (A) which I know is at an elevation of 0' (sea level). and have set altimeter accordingly to read 0' I fly to airfield (B) which I know is at an elevation of 1000' ASL Hypothetically, on arrival at (B) if I join circuit at 1000' as indicated by my altimeter I am 1000 AMSL but only 0' AGL (obviously wrong), I therefore have to think about it, do some math and climb to 2000' indicated to give me my circuit height (1000'AGL) OR: Do I somewhere along the flight path readjust altimeter by subtracting 1000' (Difference between A+B) by turning knob, to accommodate known altitude of airfield (B) therebye joining circuit at 1000' AGL and 1000' indicated on alt (2000' ASL in fact) without having to do math at landing stage, relieving my workload .
  16. And I thank you for that, keep up the good work.
  17. Thanks for watching my back fellas, I don't mind the "jab bashers", It has been my experience that many, but not all, know nothing about Jabs other than hearsay.
  18. Turbo, that's exactly what they have done also moved motor forward some 40mm thus shifting Cof G forward slightly to have usable storage space (still not much... but more). As for more power, you could always add nitrous or turbocharger that should give you about 50-75% more HP.
  19. That thread is now out of date due to design changes made to new J170. The handling upgrade mentioned was an interim measure whilst certifying new update.
  20. I believe they are good value for money, easy to fly, stable in the air, good crosswind/overall performance, strong, reasonably comfortable for driver and passenger, dependable (by my experience,) relatively cheap to run, Good mileage, excellent range, availability of parts, good factory back up, good knowledge base if there are problems, Australian made, can be fitted out pretty well as you like. Easily customised (I build Harleys). I am not saying these are the best aircraft in the world (far from it) but again I stress good value for money. I have been in and flown aircraft sold for twice the price but they are certainly not twice as good. The new design available now should address some of the minor issues that some people appeared to have with handling (quartering gusts etc.) Though I would question those issues as I believe (certainly some at least) were pilot issues, not aircraft issues.
  21. I am purchasing new J170 end of this month. I have done my homework, looked at many aircraft both new and secondhand. I have no interest in building. It is my belief they are excellent value for money, I have flown them at my club for 18 mths and apart from normal and CORRECT servicing they have had no downtime. They are easy to fly, steady and predictable. They are not a go fast plane, they don't look particularly pretty however they are easy to maintain and parts can be sourced overnight. If looked after I believe they are as reliable as anything else flying (LSA).Going by what people are asking for second hand ones they appear to retain their value. (assuming they actually manage to sell them, many seem to be very unrealistic in their asking price, why buy 3- 5 year old second hand for $70,000+ when you can buy new for $80.000). What more could you ask for?? ( I have no affiliation with Jabiru :big_grin:)
  22. Thank you all for the input it has helped a great deal in my decision, I will let you know when the new Jab is on its way and what I decided on :wales:
  23. Damn.... I really wanted go fast stripes but looks like a no go. definitely getting Strobes, landing lights, Transponder, (I have a zaon TCAS system I want to put in, not that I need a transponder to do that but like to be seen) GPS I have (Avmap Geopilot Plus 2) CHT and EGT to be determined.
  24. Hi All, I am purchasing a new J170C at months end, I was wondering what are your thoughts on NECESSARY options (strobes, transponder??) versus what I would like to have options (go fast pin stripes. EFIS??) Cheers Pete
  25. Looks good.... gotta get me one of those little cameras.
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