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Everything posted by MegaHertz

  1. Thanks for the kind welcome and the opinions... More food for thought. My aim is to get there eventually - not in a tearing hurry - just need to work out a way so I start sooner rather than later! See you all around.
  2. Forgot to add that my ultimate goal is for cross country flights from Melbourne region, probably towards NSW south coast - tend to spend a fair bit of time up there as family has a property and would love to avoid the 8+ hour drive!
  3. Hi, Just joined the forum - still finding my way about but what a lot of great information! Just dipping a toe into the world of aviation, following a excellent birthday surprise organised by my wife last Sunday - a trial introductory flight at Coldstream! (Actually probably not technically a TIF as it was in a VH reg Piper Cherokee Warrior as the RVAC Techncam was U/S and Dick thought the two of us would be a bit tight in the Jabiru!) Am now somewhat hooked, and thinking about ways to slowly work towards a PPL. Was thinking of going the recreational aviation route because of cost, but have also had suggested to me that a (relatively) inexpensive way to get into the air maybe to start with gliding. This has its attractions as it would get me in the air sooner, rather than having to wait a year or two as I would probably have to if going a RA or GA route straight off. Anyway, looking forward to hanging about for a bit. Also glad to hear any opinions of my plans for starting out.
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