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Everything posted by Bikky

  1. No problems Ian. I use a unique password so it's no issue really. I appreciate your work!
  2. Hi Ian! When I go to log in, Firefox gives me this warning message. Been this way for a few days now. Any explanation for this please?
  3. Hey Neil, those blue pills are great for us old farts. Haven't rolled out of bed once since I started taking them.
  4. The airline was his. Nuff said.
  5. The pilot was urged, when he lodged his flight plan, to refuel in Bogota but this would have incurred an extra cost of $10,000 for fuel and airport fees. He told authorities, "No problem, stay calm, I will make it." Aircraft range was 3000 km. Distance traveled was 2900+ km. No room for error at all.
  6. Having heard the audio recordings, I can confirm this to be fact. He told ATC he had a "pane seco" (electrical failure) and that he as low on fuel. He declared the true state of affairs way too late. I believe ATC did the right thing according to the information received. If the world were a just, place he would have survived to face the consequences of his actions.
  7. Damn! Another one. Sad news indeed.
  8. That's like my favourite hobby, actually!
  9. Well, Duck me for a Futchman!
  10. I agree totally! Australian parrots are worth a small fortune here and in other countries. It would be a viable export industry and it would kill the illegal and cruel live smuggling trade. Not uncommon to walk down the street here and see people with cockatiels on their shoulders.
  11. I can think why! It's ducking fisgusting. Vegemite is toe jam, pure and simple. Chicken's feet is delicious in comparison and I hate chicken.
  12. What a beautiful machine! Need a "jealous" icon right now.
  13. China is not unique in this Bex. Rather similar here in Brazil. If there is a simple solution to a problem, a multitude of meetings need to be held to to complicate the aforementioned simple solution with accompanied regulation changes and a mountain of paperwork. It's amazing that anything actually happens sometimes, but in the end, it seems to work. I teach English to engineers and directors in Brazil's largest car manufacturing plant. The plant is the size of a small city and appears to be utter chaos but somehow it all comes together and in peak times, a car every comes off the production line every 20 seconds. Not just one model, but three or four. Amazing to witness!
  14. Each to their own, I guess. I do need to ask though - who's active and who's passive?
  15. True! Nothing like a Brazilian woman to make life interesting. Full of passion and fire. Must be handled with care at all times!
  16. Me too. If I do something wrong, I get well and truly reamed!
  17. .... and neither can you prove it! You could start by explaining why you think ethics is the sole domain of believers.
  18. Logic obviously doesn't play any part in fundamental religious thinking. Anyone of legal age, dying a virgin must be extremely aesthetically challenged. It would be like hell really. Imagine blowing yourself up and finding yourself surrounded by fat, hairy, repulsive, deformed virgins with poor personal hygiene for all eternity! That would stop anyone with two functioning brain cells from donning a suicide vest.
  19. Like many here, I never met the man personally. I only knew of his commitment, patience, good humour, experience and his willingness to share these assets. Ross, may you rest in peace and soar with the eagles. Your influence extends far and wide and will continue to do so. My sincere condolences to your family and friends. You will be sorely missed.
  20. Hope it's not a rusty trombone! Doesn't bear thinking about
  21. That's an interesting angle, Marty!
  22. Past mistakes! We keep making them. Time after time, after time, ad nauseum. Praise the lord of your choosing. Amen.
  23. The poor pilot has, so far, survived. If he does pull through, I'd bet he wished he hadn't.
  24. Geez! I've been out of service since then! Sad news however.
  25. Examples of people with too much time on their hands and a complete lack of ability to ask the all-important question, "Why?"
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