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Everything posted by HappyFingers

  1. I used to work with a guy who had only half an arm and half a leg he was one of the best guys you would ever meet he had numerous motorbike accidents over the years that caused his injuries yet he still rode his pimped out harley to work everyday, staggered into work and did a good a job as he could i guess my point is, for some people riding motorbikes is in your blood, its a way of life, its something that those who havnt grown up riding motorbikes could ever understand. its how a woman will tell a man that he could never understand childbirth its how i could explain to you that the intensity of the pain i felt when i had my accident (due to the circumstances) is not possible for anyone who hasnt experienced that to understand or even comprehend, a whole body pain that had me wishing for death rather than to experience it a second longer. riding motorbikes will always be my passion second only to my children i remember how great it was when i did my first solo, the rush, the sense of achievement. i just wanna finish my pilots licence because i feel like its something that was taken away from me unfairly (90 year old driver that drove his car straight into me) so i am determined to finish my pilots licence and would even love to buy my own plane since i have to start over again, i think ill go for my GA licence, rather than my ultralight licence. and keep playing tattslotto thanks for the welcome all yes motorbikes can be dangerous but so can flying from what i understand, flying is about preparing for and managing any risk's assosiated with flying a plane, to obtain a favorable outcome, being your safe arrival back to terra firma
  2. Giday all I used to fly quite some time ago it was just an ultralight but i was about 5 lessons away from completing my licence when i was hit by a car whilst riding my motorbike home from work, i had numerous injuries including a right leg that was broken in 10 places. spent 12 months in a wheelchair naturally i wasnt able to complete my pilots licence it was a long time ago but i still think about how much fun it was to fly once i could walk again i gained weight and wouldnt of been able to fly that type of aircraft anymore anyway have spent the last 12 months losing weight and getting fit. soon i hope to complete my licence, of course i will have to re do everything the fact that i came so close to finishing really gets me %$^#ed off always finish what you start so thats the mission get myself a flying licence cheers
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