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  1. Sad day at Caboolture with a loss of life of two people in the wrong place at wrong time , let’s hope atsb take this one on as all aircraft involved where VH REGO far as we know of . It Was a chain of vents involving the distraction of other aircraft and all the holes lined up to give the worse out come . Over the last 5 five years the circuit pattern and surrounding ares Redcliffe and Caloundra strips using same frequency has been crazy busy to the point there no really quiet day of the week to fly . There normally a near Miss at least once a month between aircraft to aircraft or even dumb birds ,a few have landed on rear cock pit parcel shelfs as we are based beside Caboolture dump . Most of us knew this had to happen one day not knowing who was going pay the highest price due to the amount of sheer movements of aircraft and distractions . Things will have to change other wise it will happen again .
  2. Hi 80 knots glad to see you have seen the light and picked the best aircraft :) I have done a bit of prop playing and the Savannah s has 125mm prop Extension which changes the ball Game on prop choices . The lighter the prop the better for engine and gearbox life when you have a prop extension . If you had to pick a prop that wouldn’t break up inflight after a bird strike warp drive the only one however very heavy and lacks performance . I can’t wait to try a EProp and what I have seen and read so far It sounds the Best fit for a Savannah . It looks to solve a lot of problems of the prop extension which no other prop manufacture has over come . They have seen the light and have used a thin blade design to over come the drag of a 3 three blade on a 100 hp engine . I could bull shit for hours on props but it comes down to have the right pitch on prop for cruise but still have enough slippage of prop to get enough revs to take of and climb . As you aren’t a car with a multi speed transmission But you have a bigger speed range then most cars . Hoping to get a eprop with in a month to try .
  3. This will put a cat among the pigeons I know you are trying to gain info of a gen 4 engine and performance / cooling . If your engine has only 60 hours tt you are in the safe zone the ones I have heard throw reliable sources 200 to 400 hours is when you start replace heads and cylinders on gen 4. Normally engine noise get louder as exhaust gas flows out between heads and cylinders gets a small crack there .They may have fixed this problem by now time will tell weather fixed or not . You watch all the jab owns attack me on the this site but not care as they have a lot more then I have to lose as they get reliving the dream first hand of this problem . But people on site take personal offence on any faults reported or warning to any thing they fly . For warned makes you for armed to check and keep a eye on aircraft faults. You can take this on board or not, I'm always happy to heard any thing safety related on my aircraft . What is troubling of a lot of aircraft engine used in a private aircraft never seem to make stated TBO with out a rebuild in some way
  4. I looked up the radar loop history at the rough time of 4.20 pm Tuesday and there was a big lot of storm rain cells come thought that beach area right at the some time . I would have cloud to the ground at that point .
  5. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/married-couple-feared-dead-after-plane-debris-found-off-moreton-island/ar-BBZeVcJ?ocid=spartanntp I THINK 182
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/debris-recovered-as-search-resumes-for-light-plane-missing-off-moreton-island/ar-BBZeiBL
  7. So true I started flying at age of 16 and now 45 was the youngest aircraft owner at my local field for over 22 years , and still the youngest hanger share holder . We had a club agm last year and though I was in the bingo hall most in late 60's, and mid 70's , So flying be coming a old people sport very quickly throw some factors high costs and bad press of the sport being dangerous . So with in 10 years the average pilot age will be mid 70,s so that just going to be a fact . I have spoke to local flying schools and 99 percent of there young students get there licence and that the last they ever see of them again .
  8. Owen will be missed as quiet Achiever and all around good guy good safe gyro pilot I first meet him at teewah when he was teaching himself in a gyro and we were Teaching ourselfs in a wheeler scout in the 80,s which is not recommended ,high risk teaching your self but had no two seat aircraft around then . His poor wife will have her hole life turned up side down in 15 mins of poor judgment with weather i think he was the pax in the domed flight . Not sure what to say about the horrible out come to our unforgiving sport . He would be one of dozen people killed in the last 18 months flying in bad weather . I think we all tend to forget there is always a plan B before you get mixed up in bad weather . Rip Owen
  9. This is the second raa aircraft in 2 months crashing on approach with the same outcome . Very sad to see this time of year , but this time of year has is not friendly for flying north of Brisbane in summer with the drought . The hot dry conditions that we are under due to 10 year drought with hot dry wind increases your stall speed and sink rate on any aircraft . So the further north of Brisbane and west the conditions are not friendly . I have lost a friend (CFI) a few years ago due to these same conditions on approach as well . stay safe over xmass.
  10. I think it all starts with how and who called in the incident ,general public or news outlets tend to exaggerate when comes to aircraft. If it was a car they would the wheel fell off or drove of the road but if its a aircraft its a crash, or terrifying crash for just about every think that happen to a aircraft even a flat tyre . I thought there is a emergency service building at Bendigo airport for bush fires etc , they may have used this one for training as well .
  11. I have got my coolant pipes in a way so don’t need the elbow .
  12. Hi there yes I has a drilling plate for balance master to suit jab prop pattern . There not certified but work well there around $185 plus postage and take a few days to drill and post in my spare time . I only sell them for a hobbie . Cheers Daniel
  13. if 19 rego you can use MACKAY HOSE part number HH1752 comes as 2 metre about $20 from a car parts place 17.5mm
  14. You can tell you are new into flying ,as if you have been flying while you would no a lot better then put all this on a public forum . If you have a problem with how that person is operating a school aircraft talk to him . The flying group is a very small group you will soon run out of friends .
  15. You like you have flown in aircraft like thrusters ,drifters,scouts,quick slivers ,trikes , weed hopers ,flight stars. These where all run of the mill ultralight aircraft 20 years ago . After hundreds of hours of them bill,s become a lot easy going towards flight training because he had no more scare left in him . All those aircraft the wing in the air was nothing like the shape it was on the ground about the only think was the same was the colour of it . Ait was nothing to see wing twist up the 100mm at the tip in any direction in rough time conditions . The savannah is a good aircaft and bill gets it into places the rest of us only dream of with a good over all flying school . You are lucky to have a instruction in the 1980,s you bought a single seater and your first lessons was solo . As using your figure 1/1000 people you can miss read at first impressions . You did the 1/1000
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