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Everything posted by dan3111

  1. I think it's one of those things a few people in high places may know but aren,t in a hury to say .On top of it all any country pushing for the seach would likly have to foot the billion dollar seach bill so know one pushing any more . I think It comes Down to one of three things , mad pliot , on borad fire, or someone wanted it missing . My guess mad pliot . But hope one day they find it for the family's but who knows . Cheers dan
  2. I knew of a guy in the early 90"s that landed there to on roll out nosed over and did a prop in . He had enough supplies to stay with the plane while then got a new prop sent and got a set of skies and fitted to the sky fox . Around about 10 days later he flew it out and had all the photo,s to show us . He said once you broke the salt crust there was no bottom to the mud . The sea ray will be miss as hangers right beside my savannah at caboolture
  3. I think a alot of this has come to ahead with casa as they have slowly been cracking down on certified RAA aircraft with paper work and compliance as they can be used for hire and reward, just much the same type of paper work a any boat used the hire way . General public riding in those TIF flights don,t know any history of jab,s just pay for a flight lesson etc . You would have to dumbest person on earth if you did a quick look at the raa records not to pick up on jabs engines have a few problems as CASA would have had a good look by now . I think if they were just all home built aircraft with no hire or reward they would care so much, but a big number are certified factory built aircraft so they do have a duty of care to see those aircraft meet certification engine as well . Much the same thing happen when alot of the rushed LSA aircraft got on the register certified then got pulled after the safty audit as didn,t comply . You can jump up and down as much as you like, but paper work records reflect the facts and trends on engine life so that all CASA can go on. Unless someone has magic records they don,t know about,what are they ment to do turn a blind eye and end up on 60 mins down the track .
  4. I think to be fair Jabiru have had plenty of slack and grace over the years to do R & D on there engine and still be able to sell them at the same with design faults still in them and I haven,t seen to many recoils on known faults ever .These lack of compulsory recoils has let them off the hook to still be able to trade and there for survive but on the other hand the slack has not put enough pressure to improve the design . So at the end of the day there is only so much slack in the system before it catches up to any one . I think at least the tbo should be bought back to 500 hours, if there was a real true record kepted of spare parts and whole engine replacement before the 1000 hours tbo. You would find less then 50 percent make the 1000 hours before mayor work is carried out on the engine like heads, rings,valves etc . Some of this is caused from pilot fault but a lot is design fault from over heating etc . all i can say i,m glad i don,t fly behind one been there done that and wasn,t nice . dan
  5. I do like your answer funny in a way but so so true I was talking to my uncle on the weekend and he's about 80 and has failed his driving test lives in the middle of know where and has farmed and driven trucks all his life . I think most people think there a ace at some thing looking throw a one way mirror . I do hope that some manufacture reinvent them selfs in bring back a low cost aircraft that is simple and safe so younger people can get into the sport . Cheers Daniel
  6. Hi there This bound to be a hot topic . I starting flying back in 1988 at the age of 15 so yes 40 now and have loved every minute of it , it was sure interesting back then . We flew scouts difters truster 40 to 55 knot across the board not matter what you flew and training cost 60 dollars a bout , 1 dollar a minute :) . Ga used to put there noses up to us when we flew in to the airfield with a mk3 scout and never talked much to us .But from the age of 17 I have all ways owned my own aircraft ever before I owned a car or had a car lience . This i have noticed since then I have pretty much always have been the youngest in my area to own or built there own aircraft . So the sport has got totally out of hand with cost so only the ones got into it early years back or have paid there houses off so have spending money to burn . So inturn the hole pilot fleet is getting older as a hole , and the standard aircraft is getting faster up to 130 knots now . So speed takes more skill and faster reaction time to fly and a lot harder to out land in a engine failure . At the moment I think the max raa pilot age in 75 which in some cases that great and would fly with them any day but in some cases you role your eyes if you see some people drive a car at that age .Also a lot of those GA pilots that turned there noses up at us back in the elary day have moved across to raa after not passing there medical . You do wounder if thinks don,t change in some way I will turn 75 and there not many younger then me owning there own aircraft if you can see my point .We are fast getting to GA cost aircraft and a dear running cost to go with it . So inturn we are not getting younger pilots into the sport Cheers dan
  7. If they had more time the locals would have put it on on blocks and stole the wheels too there already got the fuel .
  8. that,s the goal post
  9. The pilot did a good job and walked away which is the best out come for every one every impressed i wish all reports where like that , I have see jab,s a lot worse then that repaired at the factory . On a brighter note It is the first jab i has seen score a goal safe flying every body cheers dan
  10. This is only my two cents worth , just a strange item in that last photo . It looks to be a headset in the rudder if so with my pea brain I would think that would indicated the canopy would had to be open before impact for it to go back ward into the tail . Just only a guess may be a cockpit white out and they opened the canopy at some point to try and see. The crashes I have been to the head sets have gone out the front of the plane I towards impact point .
  11. flaps look to gone too by the photo . http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/two-men-killed-in-light-plane-crash-at-krondorf-in-barossa-valley/story-fni6uo1m-1226967310875
  12. well you do have to wonder we are only getting a little info from the powers to be, and been feed a lot of bullshit info from the news filling in the gaps . I put it down to a cockpit fire and no ones home for 5 hours and off it goes to the fuel runs out .
  13. maybe the troups haven,t see a plane before and may have thought i was a big bird to hunt .
  14. i think he wants the first dance :)
  15. i think they were looking for bogiy boards and or covers in the plane :) god help as all going over there .
  16. i think they would have to change there pants after that .
  17. Hi there I was there at the same time as most of the guys and would like to thank ballpoint for all his effort he put into putting the fire out and trying his best to help the people on board you are a true leader and you did your best , in fact the best any one could have . It was the saddest day at Caboolture strip for years since my best friend died there and hope never to see a day like that again . After thinking about it for a day or so I do think all airstrips that have larger ga planes should have some better fire fighting equipment on hand for fuel fires . Instead if that crash was a simple belly flop non much impact but fuel leaking from tanks we still would not me able to put out quick enough to help get people out of the plane with how quick a avg gas fire spreads . I does make you stop and think . Fly the safest you can . Dan
  18. I would guess the climb was to rob the passages of air so there plan can go a head ,who knows .
  19. I think there is a lot of questions How do you keep all passages quiet for 7 hours with out phones going off ? Why do you fly 7 hours just to go missing . (Maybe distract the world from something else happening at the same time ) The aircraft took off in the dark so who where the ground crew . There would have to very skilled people to come up with this plan and carry it out with a out trace and have good backing from someone . What would be the chances of two stolen pass ports on any one flight ? Would the back boxes store seven hours recording ? (Maybe why the seven hours ) How do you come up with real people names that where on the stolen pass ports that entered the plane in the dark ? Any idea,s .
  20. There is a few nudist camps west of donnybrook and have been there for years they used to complain when aircraft flew over but are pretty quiet of late .
  21. Looks like he was pro forming some low lever turns and miss judged it into the sand sad news he was only 29 .
  22. The tail is the same but boom is different length and wing tubes are it a total different place . So I bit hard to fit a boorabee wing onto a drifter . Cheers Daniel
  23. Part two of the video is well worth watching that,s for sure it,s uncut ultralight action .
  24. I think these video as going to be very hard the find .
  25. There is so many factors in building your own aircraft and testing . I have a saying you can have proven air fame and a unproven engine or a unproven air frame and proven engine . You don,t have both unproven items together as deadly to most ending in a pine box . But have a changed my saying over the last 10 tens years to "stuff the unproven car engines and other crap test engines let someone else risk there life thinking they are saving money. The maintance is so much higher on a test engine and often you replace part after part trying to get the hole package right . Use late model aircraft motors and have a lot less worries . They all can stop no matter what they are but you can say you did the best to stay safe as you can .
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