Hi all I just thought I would share this it may save a lot of people .
Flying with mate ship . What is that ?
Back in the the late 80,s I started flying and yes two strokes ultralight,s (scout aircraft ) and had all the early rotax problems to go with them and love to stop . We didn't,t have UHF ,GPS , or just about any thing else just flying mates that stuck beside you and you both looked out for each other . You some times had to land to give advice or hand signals in flight to work together . As we all got 70 kt planes in the 90's we had groups up to 17 flying together on weekend trips and flying together and helping the first timers get there safe.If the first timer weren't,t handling is good we all turned back or landed and regrouped . The group together had people for all different back ground so a lot of flying problems could had been working out . That what made us ultra light pilots normal people with a share of flying . We didn't,t care what speed they did we just sent the slower one off first so we got they about the same time . With all the trips we did got throw in good and bad weather sometime waiting it out together on the ground ,We all helped fixed rotax engines flat tyres and the odd time guided aircraft in safe paddock after engine stops the list goes on but we all got home safe . The main reason it worked well people helped each other and kepted them in line ( the un written rules) if one of the group were putting someone in harms way leaving the brain at home for the day like we all do some days . They where soon told to grow up .
How flying has changed people had to go faster and faster aircraft and got more time poor in modern life so there flying only fits in a time slot in there day . It,s not like it used to be using the hole day to get there as a adventure and if we don,t get there it was still fun . People have full time jobs and try to fit they trip in no matter what because they next three weekends are booked for something else they have to do . So this has made more aircraft fly by them selfs not as a group as don,t have time to wait for others in there day .
Some tips to help stay alive
Fly with other aircraft when tripping .Start of first thing it might turn out to be a long day, Have a plained rout you all understand to follow . Know each others fuel needs before you take of . If you separation have a plain to regroup . If bad weather ring people on the ground at the place you are going to to see the weather there first(as might be a wast of fuel ) . Look out for each other keep sight of your mates .
You don,t often here of a group of aircaft lost in weather or crash unless of war planes World War Two and they where ordered to do the mission had no choice to turn back etc a group works together to come up with the safest option for all . When single aircraft go down you are on YOUR OWN AND ALONE !!!!!! .
Stay alive and have fun WHERE HAS ALL THAT MATE SHIP GONE
Dan .