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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. we had 7points in the rain gauge this morning. My USA son in law works with a decimal inch tape measure ie 10 divisions to the inch.
  2. brown sauce in a coke bottle?
  3. ... location at the Lost Dogs Home where the sequence of photos from before and after the throwing of the bucket of water were the greatest hit since riots over TurboEnterprises ersatz Smackos. The Smackos turned a suspicious brown colour and caused all the bitches to.......... ..............
  4. .......Ghislaine and was already in it up to his neck and did not require any top up from Turbo's turd stockpile because...............
  5. ...SPLAT Went bull who was never much of a techno type and having completely failed to take a position to absorb the Winchester's recoil flipped backward over the rail and off the walkway into a slurry of Turbo Enterprises seething raw material for the manufacture of..............
  6. " Golden joystick [avref] ,now turdo boy was really in trouble with commie dan from prictoria as he was seen sneaking out of his quarantine to go to............... " .......low level aerobatic manouvers with captain Doubtfire all without benefit of any aeronautical device as all machines were secured in stage 4 lock down. Never the less half way through these activities cpt Doubtfire demonstrated the pervasive effects of Bernoli's thesis by ......
  7. Dan the Man's super spreader super machine as supplied by Turbo Enterprises super phosphate aerial works, Turbo in consultation with Donald Trump had convinced DJT that aerial dispersing of a combination of superphosphate (BS ref) and hydroxyquinone would suppress and eventually eliminate all corona viruses in all states marked in red on DJT 's wall chart. So thought the Donald that's how Jucinta managed to knock the virus, I must tell Pompeo to immediately......
  8. only the train driver's wife
  9. ... B&W balls so coloured as a result of trying on Turbo's discarded pink panty hose. After extricating himself from the constricting pink stricture he, seeking a more appropriate sizing entered "tied up in pink panty hose" into Google images search engine. Upon viewing the resulting flood of purience he ...........
  10. closing speed is at speed of light if one spacecraft is at less than light speed. however since both objects are at the speed of light they are both of infinite mass and are requiring infinite energy to propel them therefore the situation cannot occur. they cannot approach each other therefore the closing speed is zero. unless, of course, they are on conveyor belts aligned to each other.
  11. ......"purloined from Trubo and in desperate need of a launder" pink panty hose balled up behind his back and hoping that any time soon ........
  12. .....the note would be slipped into the "dressed" side of the trouser and all the Maquis would know that tonight was the night with white rabbit for dinner served with aplomb and florish by Nancy as a last meal before.....
  13. .. inside leg length in order that El Capitan can adjudicate on behalf of .......
  14. ......they can continue in the role of CEO. A policy never practiced more successfully than the esteemed CEO of TE who ever since the grand debacle of the pink panty hose has ensured that never again would .................
  15. at all amused that his cunning plan to enjoy a "girls night out" with constable Doughtfire had been stymied, so hitching up his suspended belt he reverted to plan B and ............
  16. ..Clive Palmer, who having imbibed a couple of Turbo's special beverages turned up at the wrong function and seeing the colour of the shirts deduced it to be a fancy dress affair and.............
  17. nostalgicly about times past when Turbo and his cohort could acquire the pre requisite skills for under bridge flying
  18. a glass of his favourite Bertoli tipple from the Yarra Valley and mused .....
  19. but there is no concern because el Capitane has used some of the congealed KY from the explosion at the sanitiser plant to seal the crack in the Staggerwing where the CO had been leaking from the exhaust manifold thus giving Turbo the all clear to do show that Melbourne also a bridge one that can be used to great effect as a prop for a Turbo Enterprises publicity stunt
  20. ...exclaim that the failed rubber must have been part of that dodgy shipment of PPE that came in from Wuhan in exchange for four tons of Turbine Enterprises class A furballs. "Just what in the name of Jamella the First has leaky rubber got to do with bread?" spluttered the client backing towards the exit. A distracted Turbo however busily searching for the right response failed to understand the question (ATC ref) hearing instead .............."
  21. .......Jacinta marshaled the Ngapui to collect and reassemble all the scattered bits from the Rainbow Warrior and upgrade it to the Mark iv version armed with TE sourced gatlings firing frozen kiwifruit. Kiwi fruit because the wharehouses were full of them since Xi's minions slapped on an 80% tariff citing association with Aust barley producers and because the caliber of TE gatling barrels would not accomodate any other munitions especially nothing even close to NATO standards for equipment equivalence. So armed, equipped, manned, and commissioned in 15 years less than it took for the JSF to be ready for service the Rainbow Warrior was tasked with............
  22. ....causing bubbles to appear distorting his spray tan and diverting his attention away from the South China Sea debacle where various arms of his enterprise were throwing tweets at each in lieu of the ammunition that would neither fit the guns nor fire when they did fit. Concurrently the tit for cat fight over the fur ball Vs barley tariff conflict had president Xi desperately seeking.................
  23. ..... spray tan don't stick, and in any case Jamella is not my sister nor anyone's sister. You should take your perchant for DNA sampling down Moorrabbinstan way and check out the lovely Jamella, you just might be in for bit of a surprise. At that the CASA inspector ceased interrogating Loxie, packed up his DNA kit in the sidecar of his 1942 Indian Scout saddled up and headed off in a great cloud of dust and attomised oil and determined to complete a DME approach on his way to ................
  24. .. protruberences various. It is truly refreshing in these times of social distancing to see Jamella launching forward with such enthusiasm; quite a contrast to the retrograde movements favoured by Bull and Salty, it's enough to have both of them placed in 14 days of sheltering in place on rations of ..............
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