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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. on final check GPS ground speed against airspeed
  2. Last week I did a low pass downwind to move the sheep off a strip, When I turned back to check the results and hopefully land; Lo and behold the alpaca had herded them all up and was holding them at a gateway mid strip and well out of harm's way
  3. full fuel in a 777 is 180,000 L without all that weight it should stay up longer
  4. vehicle on runway.............................................. go around visual clues of too fast final approach......... .......go around GPS ground speed 15 k above air speed...........go around touch down beyond 50% of strip........................go around
  5. the pusher from brokeback mountain
  6. Local papers report that a 61 yr old male owner of the plane and a 12 yr old girl survived the crash
  7. Is the starboard wing tip in the shadow of the building? or is it just an effect of a long lens?
  8. Efficient?
  9. What went wrong with the F-35, Lockheed Martin's Joint Strike Fighter?
  10. Mains as far forward as practical to take the load off the nose wheel good for soft and rough fields also facilitates moving around in tight hangar spaces by pushing down on rear fuse to lift nose wheel off the ground. Fuse designed with that action in view. Tail skid Brake/ axle assembly designed with choice of wheel/tyre size in view
  11. I suspect that true STOL capability is rarely utilised but is valued for the "mine's bigger than yours" bar room spiel. However effective predictable control at slow speed greatly improves utility and safety.
  12. throttle(s) positioned for either left or right hand operation hook for headset ability to "park" passenger rudder pedals
  13. An Etihad (787?) flight turns back after encountering sever turbulence one hour out of Perth. I wonder what indicators are available to the flight deck of over stress or other damage that might have caused them to decide to turn back.
  14. Wing fold? Fly OK with doors open/off Easy entry/exit with nothing that might break in a position that a passenger might consider a grab handle
  15. Why perspex rather than polycarbonate which although scratches easily, I understand, deals with impacts much better than perspex.
  16. Turbo comments that Where we may be heading is away from privately owned farm land. A process that is well under way as the farm gate prices contract and capital required to produce competitively increases almost exponentially. Two forces that are squeezing out the one family farm. The corporatisation of agriculture is well underway most noticible in horticulture, broad acre grain and large pastoral stations. Next will be the aggregation of small dairy producers into the mega units seen in Wisconsin
  17. I enjoyed the film, The Spitfire that managed to fight its own war long after it ran out of fuel did stretch credibility more than a little. The several drowning scenes I thought were well constructed and displayed, And the dilemma of conflicting demands and pressures placed upon various commanders portrayed well.
  18. I dare say that the thinking behind the less than 45knt proviso was that any crashes would be at less than 45knts. Would that it were so!
  19. My thumb at arms length is roughly 45 degrees. Thus when top of thumb at arms length aligns with top of the tree I am the tree's height distant from the tree's base.
  20. My simplistic understanding is that the relatively low momentum of our UL aircraft was a fundamental consideration that resulted in us being granted exemptions from various regulations. The newer faster aircraft are compromising that consideration. Perhaps in order to keep CASA hands off ultralights there ought to be a max cruise speed included in the definition of the UL class. The faster aircraft would then fall into a classification similar to GA experimental.
  21. quote " I wonder if that student knew the risk he was taking? " A statement that implies a judgement of the instructor that I feel should not be made without a lot more information than is available at this time.
  22. It is said that one cannot rely on the skid ball to identify direction of rotation. Does that also apply to electronic skid indicators?
  23. Car horn or siren type sounds are a must for warnings. I ride on cycle paths and often come across pedestrians/dog walkers with ear buds in. I find that any electronic beep type sound, If they are registered at all, are ignored.
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