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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Courage is the price that life extracts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things. The soul that knows it not knows no release from little things. Knows not the livid loneliness of fear, Nor mountain heights, where bitter joy can hear The sound of wings. — Amelia Earhart
  2. Meanwhile the cash-strapped Minister of Defence from the KRudd Disorganisation is left scratching his head, wondering how the hell he's ever............. manage to manouver the one almost operational Collins class vessel and the subrolla into the same pond thus diverting both of them from getting involved in the drifting FNQ invasion that is wending its surgeful way towards temora. So far he has resisted one of his advisers who under the influence of a certain Nana ( not that there is anything wrong with that ! ) has proposed that he tempt the U25 NES folk away from their Drifter apps by allowing them to play with a tiger copter way out over the Simpson desert. His thinking being that that should ............
  3. walking the dog
  4. Real autopilots fly Airbus
  5. Once you have learned to fly your plane, it is far less fatiguing to fly than it is to drive a car. You don't have to watch every second for cats, dogs, children, lights, road signs, ladies with baby carriages and citizens who drive out in the middle of the block against the lights. . . . Nobody who has not been up in the sky on a glorious morning can possibly imagine the way a pilot feels in free heaven. — William T. Piper, president of Piper Aircraft Corporation.
  6. get detesticulated because they haven't .............?
  7. Gather round all ye of rudder and stick and to you I’ll tell of pilot man Rick When Rick grew old and his toes quite cold the tips of prop turned so blue that it bent the middle like a one string fiddle But he’d still tell a fine tale or two So pull up a chair and stand me a drink, and a tale to you I'll tell of when pilot-man Rick his side kick Pete set off in a Jabiru from Wallarroo to feast at a Darby barbie. When pilot-man Rick ‘n his sidekick Pete go forth in search of fun; It’s Pilot man Rick who hauls the stick while sidekick Pete with prose replete makes serious ammo for furious Tommo who with a dit and a dar on a chit from the bar scribes a snarky line at innocent Darky for she’s never been a cheeta bleater like some we’d name from this hall of shame nor even………. ............
  8. Gather round all ye of rudder and stick And to you I’ll tell of pilot man Rick When Rick grew old and his toes quite cold The tips of prop turned so blue That it bent the middle like a one string fiddle But he’d still tell a fine tale or two So pull up a chair and stand me a drink, And a tale to you I'll tell Of pilot-man Rick his side kick Pete with a Jabiru from Wallarroo When pilot-man Rick ‘n his sidekick Pete Go forth in search of fun It’s Pilot man Rick who hauls the stick And sidekick Pete ............
  9. and real autopilots fly Airbus
  10. The locks has gone all poetical With slander quite heretical The young bloke’s smile He’s tried to rile As well he has prodded our Turbo Who’s off feasting on kiwiland turbot and pushing to one side the roe Just ‘cause it may improve the flow Decca’s been scouring for terms aviation In the fond hope of a standing ovation From all of those darky, slarti and rattish types Who regularly attack with raffish gripes Meanwhile the bumper stickers orders Have………
  11. "Neither my brother nor I have the means to support both a wife and a flying machine." --Orville Wright
  12. but not a jabaroo switcheroo becaues every one knows that one of those could cause one's head to loosen and even ......
  13. because you are not in the northern hemisphere where you put in a curve to the left because to do otherwise would result in ........
  14. pilots do it with flare eyeball an eagle - learn to fly pilots stay up longer eagles and pilots best approach is low and slow low and slow is a pilot's approach get that flying grin it no sin to have that flying grin going solo sure beats polo Rotax it! low and slow-- way to go! get high - fly low avoiding highways ---- slipping sideways slip it in like a real pilot real pilots slip it in improve your altitude - fly Flying’s high fun! It’s a wing thing Fly! It’s a wing thing The shy don’t fly Pilots do it looking down Flying’s smiling with altitude Get an altitude;- fly! Attitude, altitude speed ‘n direction To fly, perchance to lie on the sky Soaring’s not boring Flight's a delight
  15. If not too late I'd like one each of Flying’s high fun! It’s a wing thing Get an altitude;- fly! with no user name Many thanks
  16. thoughts Flying’s high fun! It’s a wing thing Fly! It’s a wing thing The shy don’t fly Pilots do it looking down Flying’s smiling with altitude Get an altitude;- fly! Attitude, altitude speed ‘n direction To fly, perchance to lie on the sky Soaring’s not boring Flight's a delight
  17. you mean that D10 glass thingy dispenses beer? how come nobody told me? I thought that it was just to tell one which way is up, which Nanna would agree is a very useful adjunct to a beer dispenser. "What other benefits" requests the bigger-than-most-Pete "come with installing this glass panel gear? To think that all this time I've been missing out on .........
  18. when CASA attempted to table the 10 000 ft rule for RAA aircraft and discovered that ......
  19. where they arrived, did their missle thing and nobody noticed until ..........
  20. 'cause the Rivena lass had out her concave compact mirror and whilst admiring herself and preparing for a visit from the biggest pete was directing a concentrated beam directly into the most sensitive parts .........
  21. While Big pete off a working gone Tommo’s keeping the electrons tamed spinning aeros round a Maypole is the rat Mandy’s hand in Turbo’s pocket is quite cool the NESTER’s flow has trickled down for want of an aviation term or two Forsooth it is time for …………
  22. To which Jocksy answers ".................. just more aeroplanner and ........
  23. the ant of course spent all his time gathering, dragging and storing supplies into the big house that he and all his other castrated mates had built for their queen who did shamelessly did exploit them. However because she was a real queen they all did love her though they did but see her passing by.
  24. Don't drop the aircraft in order to fly the microphone.
  25. Alas poor turbo, lost in his own backyard after trying to follow the gloss on the tooth. The toothed one removing eye from hotel key hole for a moment surmised that turbo and hiho were suffering from a confusion of co ordinates the one being metric the other traditional. For he did know that had turbo proceeded easterly after leaving the front gate that famous aviator the saintly leonard for a distance adequate for a skyranger circuit he would be entering mid cross wind for the afore mentioned paddock airstrip complete with pink windsock. The very pinkness of which did cause the FNQ contingent to engage in a rivet busting rush back north where hotels still have key holes and ......
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